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Date Posted: 14:54:39 07/12/01 Thu
Author: Biggs, Dream Guide
Subject: The background of Dah'Li's forests began to spin...

And suddenly Biggs and Rana were in a different place than they were just a few minutes before. The desert replaced the lush forests, and the upside down pyramides were now where the obscure trees once stood.

SWEET MERCIFUL-- Rana began to say as he was dazed at the sudden change of the background hit him like a ton of bricks.

Yes, Biggs began to say, It is very spectacular. But it should not surprise you. This happens in Dah'Li all the the time.

They both began to walk as though they were being controled like puppets.

But, but... was all Rana could say, He was mezmorized by this strange new universe. Nothio=ng in his trainnig never prepared him for this.

Don't worry yourself Rana. The southlands are nothing more than the holy lands of Dah'Li, as yu can see, you no longer feel light headed, you poweres seemd to have returned, and you wear you robe, insted of the shirt and pants.

Biggs just smiled as Rana looked down to notice everything was just as it was before entering Dah'Li. Finally, they cleared a rather larg Sand dune when infront of them towered a gigantic mirror.

Now Rana, look into the mirror, and you will discover the reason you were brought here. Remember, it only shows it's pictures and reflections to those who are truly worthy. Now, go.

Biggs smilled again as Rana cautiously walked up to the mirror. Rana looed in and al he could see was his own refelection, drapped by the desert behind him. Then the picture began to swirl, and other pictures began to come into focus.

The first one sent his mouth dropping. He saw his home planet, yet, it was not like it was, with the lush forests and cool waters of the sea. This Manar was ravaged and borken. The landscape was black, the sky, grey as if the quiet before a storm. The forests were now nothing but burt stumps, hole trees were seen but very few. The ocean that had kept him cool on hot summer days was no more. The sea floor was not black as coal, littered with the bones of the sea life. It then showed him his village, nothing more than burnt down houses and slautered famr animals. It showed a familiar house, with the skeleton of a woman, it looked like she died a painful death, laying before him.

It then swirled around again, showing this time a star base above the planet. It's hull and a few other chunks were all that remained. There millions of peices of debris. It horrifed him to look anymore. A gigantic ship floated by that looked oddly familiar to the wizard.

He was almost in tears when the mirrors showed him yet another planet. This one was entirly made of metal, but no life was about. It too was ravaged like Manar, Cybertron, had suffered the same fate. Rana grassped his head as he fell to the ground screaming. The mirror went back to normal as Biggs ran up to him. Rana mad it to his feet with a little help from Biggs.

What was that, why did it show me that? Rana was almost in tears.

I'm sorry you had to see all that. It was you vision. As you can see, you have seen the future of you universe unless somthing is done to prevent it. It obviously is something of emense power, and the only thing to destroy it would also have to be an object of emence power, and only one object like that exists. In the city of Sheesh'a'ream, it lies somewhere in the vast desert of the Southlands, but it can only be retrieved in a time of need, and only if the physical body is with the metal one. But you must figure who do get you physical body here yourself, I can't help you do that. All I can do now is answer questions, and take you back to the forest to a gateway so your mental mind can rejoin it's body.

And biggs waited for a responce from the wizard...

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