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Date Posted: 06:37:51 10/28/01 Sun
Author: Biggs, Dream Guid
Subject: The storm negan to subside...
In reply to: Ensign Christopher Braddock 's message, ""Hmm? Uh...yeah..."" on 06:34:21 10/28/01 Sun

The ragging storm that had practically paralyzed them was now beginning to subside as they drew closer to what looked like a gigantic black cloud. And soon the storm completally vansihed, leaving the group just a few miles just out side of the holy city, Seesh'a'Ream.

It would not take them more than a few more hours now that the sand storm had gone, so, Biggs laied down his sowrd, and the sheild that had protected them went away, leaving the blue sky of the Southlands visible once more.

The continued to walk after a short break, and they walked, and they walked. Biggs was in the lead, and noticed that the one called Mercedo had said nothing since they left the forest over what seemed like a week ago.

He is a very strange one. I have not noticed any mind bendings coming from him yet. He must have a very discaplined mind. He will be the one that will have to retriev the jewl, that and the one called Chris... Biggs thought to himself.

And they continued to walk, They would soon be at the gates of Seesh'a'Ream.

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