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Date Posted: 07:00:26 10/28/01 Sun
Author: Raph Sar
Subject: "So what's wrong Cado....Decepticon got your tongue?"
In reply to: Biggs, Dream Guid 's message, "The storm negan to subside..." on 06:37:51 10/28/01 Sun

"Wait...I forgot....that Anomaly scum DID cross some wires or something when he fused you to that deplorable metal tomb you call armor! Bruised speech center particularly bothersome tod-argh!"

Mercado angrily shoved Raph in the back again with his extended buzzsaw, this time with enough force as to tear his 'brother's' robe.

"Hey...I'm just saying what's on your mind...LITERALLY. You killed the real me once already, remember?"

"Not how it happened...The WR@..."

"Oh, I chose to abandon my body for the full purity of my spirit true, but you made me go away with your words when I tormented you. For that you blame yourself, and it is that emotion I heartily represent.

So much baggage Cado...so complex. You've traded in the sickles of the fields for buzzsaws, the pens which you wrote that pedantic poetry for a gun-form. You disgust me. You disgust yourself, and you know it. You should have faced this long ago. Was it hard lying to your partner on Rugby, telling him you DIDN'T hold him responsible for your impediment? What about Ligh...when you abandoned Rana in the Red-Eye to satiate your lusts with that engineered wench....surely you told some lies then. Did her subsequent betrayal and departure REALLY affect you, or were you secretly relieved? Perhaps you were glad when we lost mother, when father and I left the farm for more important matters. Lying to yourself is the least healthy thing you can do.

I'm more real than you, you know. You've been dead inside, long before you allowed your body to be sealed within that thing. I proclaimed truth; it was you who were the liar. I spread enlightenment; you sowed seeds of destruction, pain and misery, hurting most those you claimed to be sav--argh!!!"

Mercado lashed out without thinking, overcome finally by words. Words can sting, and whether the words this 'Raph' spoke were borne of his own deepest anxieties or his memories of the things he would have expected his brother to say, these words stung no less. Raph Sar staggered back, clutching the gash across his neck. Mercado fell to his knees and cryed out, even as Raph took his hand away from the bloodless wound, laughing.

"Well, well...we knew fratricide was in your repertoire already...why not a suicidal streak? Figments don't bleed Cado...you do.

I'll make good use of your life force when you're done with it."

Mercado fell forward now, blood beginning to trickle impossibly from the seam between his armor's neck and torso. Nathaniel and Chris rushed to his side, even as Raph Sar continued chuckling....

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