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Date Posted: 23:04:51 01/11/05 Tue
Author: Gabby
Subject: Greg immediatly looked up, hearing his 'daddy's' voice. "Daddy!" They had moved up from da-da, but not from Gregs exuberant desire for Kalebs attention. The toddler pushed up from the floor and headed over to him immediatly, his arms reached up to be held. "Hey, have fun at lunch?" She questioned, her head tipped to the side as she smiled at him in greeting. She was huge, she knew it, and it just looked almost humerous on her small frame. One hand rested on her back, as if to maintain her balance as she reached up to put away the clean dishes, intent on getting the house clean before the baby was born.
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
I don't need a man who makes confessions like Usher
I don't need a bed buddy
I need a soulmate
on 22:23:49 01/11/05 Tue

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  • "Hey baby boy!" He exclaimed excitedly in response and leaned down to hoist the growing boy up into his arms. Making a great fuss over the chubby little boy, he waited until the baby was settled before dipping his head to press a sweet kiss to the side of her neck. "It was nice. How're you feeling love? Have a good day?" After setting the protesting Greg back down on the floor, his hands slipped down her back and then back up to knead her shoulders for a moment before he ushered her gently away from the dishwasher and towards the living room where she could sit. "Sit down, love. Relax..." (NT) -- Kaleb, 23:17:41 01/11/05 Tue

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