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Date Posted: 22:23:49 01/11/05 Tue
Author: Gabby
I don't need a man who makes confessions like Usher
I don't need a bed buddy
I need a soulmate

At a little over eight months pregnant, she was pretty sure she was going to pop at any moment but she was trying not to say that since she didn't want to freak out Kaleb anymore. Greg was playing on the floor by her feet as she rinsed off the dishes and put them in the washer, Romeo and Moon were actually playing Memory quietly in the living room after a firm (as firm as he got) lecture from Kaleb on how Mommy was very tired and needed peace so that she could rest up and take of everyone after the new baby was born. Things had been pretty calm and peaceful around here since Luke and Leah’s wedding and the other day she had gone to the hospital to see their new arrival which had only made her more excited about their baby that was due any day now. She had been thinking about names, well they both had, and Kaleb had been preoccupied with all the little things he had apparently never thought about it like car seats and strollers and things of that nature. He had spent hours a couple of weeks ago pouring over a babies ‘r’ us catalogue, comparing everything and choosing what would be safest and best for his baby. She thought it was adorable how he was so protective already; it gave her the assurance she needed. Not that she doubted Kaleb, but she had been left before and old fears were hard to get rid. The thing was really nervous about though was having the baby at the actual hospital. She had never experienced that before and was a little leery of the doctors and everything that could go wrong. It didn’t help that dateline a couple of nights before had been about malpractice suits. Doctors were human after all and they could be distracted and things…she had confidence though because Kaleb was in the medical field and he helped people every day. Speaking of which, she still worried when he did to much, or when he was out for a while in the cold because she could tell that his lungs still weren’t completely healed and even after they were, there would still be scar tissue and stuff. It was just her nature to be so maternal and caring, a worrier thanks to her children and natural instincts. Shaking her head, she forced herself to focus on the dishes that needed to be done…

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