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Date Posted: 23:45:40 01/11/05 Tue
Author: Gabby
Subject: She laughed softly, reaching up to press another kiss to his cheek. "Well, they were right, you need to chill." She winked, teasing though she wasn't moving. "I just want to finish this, won't take long.." She understood he was worried but for goodness sakes, she could handle doing the dishes. She grinned lightly, her head tipping to glance into the living room. "Those two have been quiet as mice, I think they are still in shock over you scolding them." Kaleb hated to be the bad guy but he was stressing over her relaxing and the kids had been getting on her nerves so he had taken care of it with more efficiancy then she thought he could muster when it came to scolding the kids.
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
I don't need a man who makes confessions like Usher
I don't need a bed buddy
I need a soulmate
on 22:23:49 01/11/05 Tue

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  • "Fine. But that's it. I'll make dinner tonight." He stated firmly and his tone invited no argument - that was how things were going to be, and he said so. So there. At her comment though, his brows furrowed in concern. "Do.. Do you think they're mad at me? Are they okay?" He hardly waited for her response though before he padded softly into the living room, hands shoved in his pockets - he had felt horrible after the scolding and was so worried now that they would be upset. "Who wants icecream for dinner? Kaleb's cooking tonight!" He informed them with an attempted smile, crouching down when he got close to them. (NT) -- Kaleb, 23:54:03 01/11/05 Tue

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