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Date Posted: 00:07:58 01/12/05 Wed
Author: Kaleb
Subject: He scooped the little girl up into his arms - he sometimes wondered if baby Greg might actually weigh more than the toddler - and rocked her playfully, pressing a noisy kiss to her cheek. "Baby girl, you're so sweet. My little angel. Your mama follows directions like Keiko does, but you kids being quiet helped anyway." He assured her with a small grin - he wondered sometimes if it would be possible for him to love anything or anyone as much as he loved Gabby and these kids, and seriously doubted it. "Hey Romeo, since mommy didn't behave herself today, you get to pick what you want for dinner."
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
I don't need a man who makes confessions like Usher
I don't need a bed buddy
I need a soulmate
on 22:23:49 01/11/05 Tue

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  • The little boy lifted his head for a second, glancing to his mother before he looked back down to where he was picking up the pieces to the game. "Hamburgers and french fries and corn." He stated before he stood and put away the game, getting out his crayons and coloring book instead. Moon pressed a kiss to Kaleb's cheek before speaking again. "I want that too, you know what else I want? I want a puppy. Can we get a puppy?" She turned those big dark eyes up to him, brow furrowed as her lip jutted out hopefully. She never called him Kaleb, but she didn't call him daddy either like Greg did, the little girl was a bit torn... (NT) -- Kids, 00:24:47 01/12/05 Wed

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