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Date Posted: 23:13:03 01/12/05 Wed
Author: Kale
Subject: "Poor kids... They're gonna think I hate them. First I yell at them, and then I try to get rid of them.." He protested weakly as he started getting out things to make everyone dinner - though of course he would take the kids wherever was most convenient for the grandparents. His brows furrowed a little as he glanced over at her for a moment, but he didn't question her - she would likely throw a knife at him or something if he asked her how she was feeling one more time.
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
I don't need a man who makes confessions like Usher
I don't need a bed buddy
I need a soulmate
on 22:23:49 01/11/05 Tue

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  • "You hardly yelled." She stated before she pushed off of the cushiony couch, her brow furrowed a touch. "I am going to go take a bath while you make dinner..." She stated absently, the words tossed over her shoulder as she headed up towards the stairs and then changed her mind. She suddenly didn't feel like she had the energy to climb all the stairs so she went to the downstairs bathroom instead. Luckily, her robe was all set so she stripped down and pulled that on as she ran the bath and within moments was sinking into the warm water, nearly groaning as her back started to relax just a touch. (NT) -- Gabby, 23:15:50 01/12/05 Wed

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