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Date Posted: 22:30:41 01/13/05 Thu
Author: Kaleb
Subject: His arms slipped tightly around her the moment that she stepped towards him, and his lips brushed her temple tenderly. A hand soothing her back slowly, he nodded a touch and just held her close to him. It was interesting, the difference - she was scared to be going to the hospital, yet that was the only thing that was keeping him sane, knowing that she would be in safe hands. The best part was with his medical knowledge if anything went wrong, he would understand much beyond the simple details. If she was staying here and having their baby at home, he would be an even bigger wreck, no doubt.
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
I don't need a man who makes confessions like Usher
I don't need a bed buddy
I need a soulmate
on 22:23:49 01/11/05 Tue

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  • She sighed softly, her brows furrowed as she rested her head against his shoulder."I've been having contractions in my back for the past couple of hours..." She admitted quietly, letting out a soft breath. Her water hadn't broke though, and the contractions hadn't moved yet so she wasn't running off to the hospital yet. "How are you doing?" She stated softly, her hand sliding down his arm lovingly, soothingly. She could tell he was stressin' out. (NT) -- Kaleb, 23:03:00 01/13/05 Thu

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