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Date Posted: 20:20:31 07/21/05 Thu
Author: Kaleb
Subject: He smiled and ruffled the dog's ears once more before heading out to where he heard her calling him. His shirt was discarded, but he still wore the navy slacks and a white beater, and was still too warm, but figured he would say a quick hello before changing. Despite excited coos from his baby girl, he headed over to Gabby first and leaned down to kiss her cheek and then slowly down the side of her neck, one hand resting on the edge of her chair and the other on her thigh. "Hi." A quiet, sweet smile lit his features as he pressed his lips to her forehead finally, winked playfully, and then stepped over to lift the now impatiently squealing baby out of her swing. "And hello angel!"
In reply to: Kaleb 's message, "
We are family
on 20:01:40 07/21/05 Thu

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  • She trailed her hand over his jaw softly, pressing a kiss there for a second before she smiled and laid her head back against the head pillow as he went to greet their daughter. "I've been trying to keep her in the shade for most of the day since the kids have been wanting to be outside but I think she's getting a little pink still." She glanced over her shoulder at him, smiling a touch. "How was your first day back at work, Kaleb?" (NT) -- Gabby, 20:30:06 07/21/05 Thu

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