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Date Posted: 09:58:55 09/30/07 Sun
Author: Kaleb
Subject: Heaven is here
In reply to: Kaleb 's message, "

Heaven’s not waiting
It’s spilling its secrets
It's right here between us
And we’ve no other choice but belief
on 14:08:11 09/29/07 Sat

He laughed softly, a little guiltily at Gabby's teasing, and then kissed her cheek quickly in turn. "Oh baby, daddy loves you, even though you're a rotten little princess." He assured the baby playfully and leaned in to kiss her chubby little cheek as well. He let the kids maul their mother for a couple moments while he tossed the frisbee unhampered for Keiko a couple times - the dog loved 'family time' as much as everyone else seemed to. He chuckled a little at the requests to go swimming - though the sun was shining that morning, it definitely was no longer swimsuit time - in fact, he was especially glad that he had grabbed his sweater on his way out the door. "Baby, why don't you play with Mr. Banana for a minute?" He suggested with great enthusiasm to his tone as he plucked the baby girl out of her mother's arms once more, and set her back down in her stroller, strapped her in, and surrounded her by her favorite toys in hopes of entertaining her for at least a couple of minutes before she started squawking about the injustices of being abandoned to play by herself while her brothers and sister got to play with each other and the puppy. He knew he probably wouldn't have long before one of the brood needed their attention for one reason or another, so he wasted no time in pulling Gabby into his arms, one hand cupping her cheek as he caught her lips for a warm, loving kiss, his voice lowering as he addressed only her. "Morning, love..."

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