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Date Posted: 14:08:11 09/29/07 Sat
Author: Kaleb

Heaven’s not waiting
It’s spilling its secrets
It's right here between us
And we’ve no other choice but belief

Their morning had been hectic - the weather for the past few days had been gloomy, and so when they woken up to almost clear-skies, the kids had all but exploded from excitement. So much for a nice, leisurely sleep in on his day off, a quiet fall morning spent in bed with the love of his life... Even the dog had bust through their door sometime before eight AM. Such was life in a house with four kids all under the age of 6 though, he supposed. It had been quite the production to get everyone fed and cleaned up and clothed so that by the time the especially hyperactive children were done with breakfast and their typical morning routine, he could tell that Gabby was already a little bit exasperated by their exuberance - though he could hardly blame her, considering how much time and energy she devoted to them all during the week, and now to have them even more out of control on a Saturday morning, of all times. So, he quickly rounded up the troops, bundled everyone up to combat the cold wind outside, packed a bag for the baby, and then herded everyone outside, off the porch, and down towards the pathway which led to the private residents' beach and then eventually to the public beach area. He figured a walk would do them all good, the dog definitely needed a run, and eventually they would reach the shops along the boardwalk where he could buy snacks and lunch and whatever else the kids might want. Before busting out of the house with the twins in high spirits, the dog barking excitedly, Greg clinging tightly to his one hand as he tottered along, and the baby settled happily in one half of the double-stroller that she would begrudgingly share with Greg when he got tired, he managed to catch Gabby's lips for a warm, lingering kiss, then suggested that she could meet them down at the boardwalk once she had had her coffee and tidied up and taken her shower and enjoyed some peace and quiet. The trek would undoubtedly take them much longer than it would her if she decided to walk as well, or else she could always jump in the car and drive down to meet them...

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