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Date Posted: 15:59:09 10/01/07 Mon
Author: Kaleb
Subject: Heaven is here
In reply to: Kaleb 's message, "

Heaven’s not waiting
It’s spilling its secrets
It's right here between us
And we’ve no other choice but belief
on 14:08:11 09/29/07 Sat

"Well, I love taking care of you." He retorted with a warm smile, his hands slipping up her sides and then touching her elbows and running up her arms to her shoulders, then her neck, then finally to lovingly cup her face as he returned another sweet kiss. "Think of how nice it will be when they're teenagers and they want nothing to do with us, and sleep in till noon, and we can have our entire Saturday morning to ourselves..." His words were teasing of course - he had faith that no matter their age, his kids would always think he was cool enough and enough fun to hang around with all the time. Given the stereotypes of teenagers though, it was hard to say if he would actually be lucky enough for things to work out like that, but they had a few years before he had to start worrying about that stage in everyones' lives, at least. He kissed her sweetly once more, holding her tight in an attempt to pretend that Greg wasn't only just a few yards away, shrieking at them to look at what he found - he had glanced over Gabby's shoulder to make sure it wasn't anything trying to bite him, or poisonous, so had half-fulfilled his parental duty at least. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking too... We have plans for tomorrow anyway, plans which do not include the troops."

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