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Date Posted: 16:42:07 09/29/02 Sun
Author: Klepto
Subject: Eek indeed.
In reply to: Lynn 's message, "Re: OT: Charmed -- Eek." on 16:19:50 09/29/02 Sun

>The Charmed Ones are drawn to an innocent mermaid
>(guest star Jamie Pressly, "Jack & Jill") who must
>elicit a proclamation of love from her mortal
>boyfriend or lose her immortality to a water demon
>known as the Sea Hag (guest star Diane Salinger).
>Determined to save the mermaid, the Charmed Ones cast
>a spell, unfortunately morphing Phoebe (Alyssa Milano)
>into a mermaid. Confused and surprised by Cole's
>(Julian McMahon) unexpected return from the
>underworld, Phoebe finds a new sense of independence
>in the sea and refuses to return to land.
>Nancy O'Dell ("Access Hollywood") guest stars as
>herself. Brian Krause and Dorian Gregory also star.
>James L. Conway directed the first hour written by
>Daniel Cerone. Mel Damski directed the second hour
>written by Monica Breen and Alison Schapker.

That's weird. Then again, most Charmed episodes are. (Which is fine with me, by the way.)
I wanna know what the heck's going on with Cole. At least he has demonic powers again, he sucked being "just a guy", in my opinion.

>Paige......now has red hair.

I noticed... I saw a picture. It freaked me out.


Thanks a lot, Lynn. Now I *might* know what's going on.


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