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Date Posted: 11:06:11 10/04/04 Mon
Author: Grim ,_,_)
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Subject: Please go see "Shaun of the Dead."

You'll thank me later.

While funny and intelligent it remains true to it's roots as a real zombie movie. You can laugh at the jokes while feeling queasy at the guts being displayed.

The jokes at times fly so fast that I'm sure I missed a lot simply because I was laughing at the last thing they said or did. (small spoiler warning) And at one point are beating on a zombies in time to the song on the juke box, but they don't shout it at you. It just happens.

The characters are real. Some endearing. Some annoying. All human. As the cast is slowly whittled down you feel real fear that your favorite is next. You will find yourself cringing at the wounds and laughing at the reactions simultaneaously. A very difficult road to build. Horror and humor are very closely related emotions, and to be able to handle and separate both as deftly and clearly as Simon Pegg (who also stars and does a dead-on impression of our dear Max) has done here is worthy of note. This is what "From Dusk 'Til Dawn" wanted to be, but failed at miserably. It even holds true through to the cherry-on-top ending, which I enjoyed despite seeing it coming about five seconds ahead of time.

I will certainly add the DVD to my collection when it becomes available. Shaun has stayed with me and continues to make me smile and shudder.

Go see it. Your stomach will be hurting by the end, though from which reaction I can't tell you.

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[> I look forward to seeing it. -- wwolfe, 11:31:56 10/04/04 Mon (

Chances are it'll be at home on DVD, since that's how I see most movies these days (given my very limited time for working in the studio, seeing a movie cusually comes in second to working on music). However, I'm pretty sure I'll get a kick out of "Shaun," given everyone's reaction to it.

I look forward to the sequel in which the same character goes undercover to fight Communists in "Red Shaun."

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[> [> That DOES look good. -- Grim ,_,_), 11:40:47 10/04/04 Mon (

I'm also looking forward to his stint on the BBC re-make of Buffy with her little brother, Shaun, beginning at the end of the fourth season.

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[> I already own it on DVD, does that count? :) -- GG, 11:44:15 10/04/04 Mon (

ahhh, living in the UK is sweet!

And the bloopers scenes are hysterical.

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[> [> Yes it does. -- Grim ,_,_), 11:48:24 10/04/04 Mon (

I just hope enough people go to see it over here that more good movies are made...but I'm not holding out much hope.

There is no reason that this movie shouldn't make $100M unless the public doesn't know what it is.

I saw people smiling and DANCING out of the theater last night. Since when is a zombie flick counted as a feel-good event?

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[> We are really looking forward to that one. -- skinner, 20:20:41 10/07/04 Thu (

I so hear you on hoping enough people see it so more good movies are made. There are just so many crap movies it feels like winning the lottery when we actually stumble upon a good one. Have you seen "Dirty Pretty Things"? That was the last movie I saw that was good.

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[> [> I have not yet seen Dirty Pretty Things. -- Grim ,_,_), 11:06:19 10/08/04 Fri (

Tell me more.

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[> [> [> Re: I have not yet seen Dirty Pretty Things. -- skinner, 22:22:26 10/10/04 Sun (

Audrey Tautou (the woman who starred in Amelie) is one of main cast members...the rest are relatively unknown people...unknown to me anyway.

Basically, it's about illegal immigrants working / living in London. The main character is a taxi driver by day & a desk clerk at a seedy hotel at night. He uncovers an organ trade (kidneys for passports) operating out of the hotel...and then.....I won't tell you anymore. The performances are really subtle. If you decide to rent it, let me know what you think.

Also - we saw Shaun of the dead last night. Soooo funny.

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[> [> The last good one I saw was "Maria, Full of Grace." -- wwolfe, 12:40:59 10/12/04 Tue (

You probably won't have a chance to see it in a theater at this point, since it's a small independent movie that's been out for some time and has probably disappeared from whatever venues it managed to reach. But you should try it if you see it on DVD. Delirium and I saw it in the theater and we both thought it was excellent. The title character is a young Columbian woman, bright and ambitious, who's stuck in a village with no outlets for her energies. Through a series of events, she winds up acting as a drug mule for the local cartel, carrying drugs to New York City. Remarkably, the movie is never depressing, despite the tough subject matter.

I'd also recommend "Japenese Story," starring Toni Collette. It has an unusual story and Collette ought to win the Oscar.

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[> [> [> I've heard of it. -- skinner, 08:54:07 10/13/04 Wed (

We are fortunate that the very small town we live in (less than 5000 people) actually has a movie theater. Not a massive, stadium seat, silver city....but a good old mom & pop shop one movie theater. They do a darn good job of mixing popular hollywood movies with smaller independent films. The people who own it clearly love movies. Heck, they even have a "Mom & baby" movie once a month. Ian & I saw "The Notebook" last month.

Maria Full of Grace is on their schedule - but I can't remember if it's already been shown. (Usually they show movies several weeks after their wide release). Sean's mom comes over every other Friday & we go out for dinner, a pint and a movie. I'll see if it fits our schedule!

Oh, and I told Sean about Ginger Snaps III...and he wanted me to ask you if you have seen Dawn of the Dead yet? He went by himself to above mentioned theater to see it and is anxiously waiting for the DVD release.


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[> [> [> Re: Dawn of the Dead -- wwolfe, 10:36:23 10/13/04 Wed (

I haven't seen it yet, but I'll plan on it, based on Sean's recommendation. Maybe I can plan a zombie double bill, along with "Shaun of the Dead."

Your get togethers with your mother-in-law sound lovely. How lucky you are to have a good old-fashioned movie theater run by people who care about movies to serve as a social center for your town.

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