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Date Posted: 11:14:30 10/28/04 Thu
Author: skinner
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Subject: Veronica Mars This week

What did you think? I was kinda disappointed in Troy. Is everyone this girl comes to care about a total loser?

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[> Re: Veronica Mars This week -- Pouncer, 10:02:10 10/29/04 Fri (

I don't know if everyone Ronnie likes is a total loser, but I too was disappointed in Troy. And a little disappointed in the show, because I felt like there was *nothing* to foreshadow his selfishness.

I wrote in my livejournal:

I wonder if Troy and Logan ever watch The O.C.? They should have known that nothing good could happen in TJ! And abided by the whole "what happens in TJ stays in TJ" ethos. (Speaking of which, I'm super-excited to visit Costco today in search of the S1 DVDs. And soundtracks. Am such a loser)

The discussion here (http://www.livejournal.com/community/veronica_mars/32258.html) has me slightly reconciled to the twist with Troy, which I had previously been regarding as a bolt out of the blue. And in a bad, "black kryptonite saves the day!" kind of way, not a good way. I didn't save the earlier episodes, and I had wondered if I would find anything foreshadowing Troy's eventual turn to the Dark Side. My initial take was that there were too few indicators that Troy had any type of agenda. I think I'm still a little disgruntled.

The ending soured me somewhat on the other developments, which would otherwise have been exciting: Ronnie being unable to deal with her dad's romance, and the discovery of the surveillance pictures.

Weevil needs to be in more scenes. I'm just saying.

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[> Re: Veronica Mars This week -- wwolfe, 11:50:13 10/29/04 Fri (

Although I liked the actor who played Troy, I think that some of the problem arose from his performance. By that I mean that he needed to convey some dark undercurrent right from the beginning that would have suggested this possible outcome. Even if we had only recognized that element in retrospect, it would have helped us accept this development more easily.

Having said that, I think more of the responsibility lies with the writers. I had anticipated that Troy would get severe peer pressure from the In Crowd to dump Veronica, and that he might very well succumb to it. For me, that would have been a more interesting and credible way for the relationship to end, if indeed it had to end.

If we could edit the episode so that it ended with Troy getting in the cab to go to military school, it would have been a much more satisfying episode. As it is, it's the only one so far that's left me feeling less than elated at its conclusion. And, as Pouncer said, other than this one glitch there was a lot I liked. I'll keep my fingers crossed that this was a single mistake, not a trend.

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[> [> This also was discussed on the Spoiler Board. -- wwolfe, 12:02:51 10/29/04 Fri (

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