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Date Posted: 12:17:13 10/12/04 Tue
Author: wwolfe
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Subject: I *love* it!
In reply to: skinner 's message, "Veronica Mars" on 20:22:12 10/07/04 Thu

I've been talking it up to anyone who'll listen ever since the premiere episode.

It took me until about halfway through the second episode for me to warm up to "Lost," but now I'm enjoying it. I could live without the sci-fi/fantasy element, but I hear that's going to be toned down. If so, that's all to the good. On the plus side, the lead actress, Evangeline Lilly, is very pretty. Also, she's named Evangeline, and how cool is that?

In case you didn't know, the third installment in the "Ginger Snaps" series is out on DVD. Called "Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning," it's set around 1800 in western Canada. I enjoyed it, although the first is still the best. This edition would have been improved if the theme had been made clear right from the start - namely, that the European settlers brought the werewolf curse with them when they arrived in Canada, making lycanthropy a metaphor for the Europeans destruction of the First Nations' culture. Once I knew that, it retroactively made the movie stronger. Still, the atmosphere and setting was good and the two lead actesses, Katharine Isabelle and especially Emily Perkins, remain terrific.

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[> [> Yay!!!!! -- skinner, 09:46:02 10/13/04 Wed (

I love it too!!! I am so pleased that we have a show together again!!!!!

Sean likes it...but he doesn't LOVE it. I haven't felt so excited about a show in eons.

I had low expectations for the new shows this season...but there are actually three new shows I like. The third being...ahem...Desperate Housewives...hem hem.

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[> [> [> Re: Yay!!!!! -- wwolfe, 10:31:11 10/13/04 Wed (

I'm trying to enjoy "Housewives," since I'm a Teri Hatcher fan from her days as Lois Lane. The first episode didn't work too well for me, but I decided to keep watching after several of my friends said they liked it. The second episode was more enjoyable, so I'm hoping it'll grow on me.

The surprising thing is that two of these shows, "Lost" and "Housewives," are big hits. "Veronica" will take some time to build an audience, so I hope UPN is patient. It and and "Kevin Hill" are the first two shows to give that network any class since "Buffy," so it seems like they ought to support the show.

As far as last night's episode, the twist concerning her client/fellow student managed to surprise me and I really liked the dream sequence with Veronica's ex and his dead sister. I have a feeling there are some serious, dark secrets waiting to come out about both of Veronica's parents. I hope her dad doesn't turn out to be a bad guy, since I like him.

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