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Date Posted: 14:28:37 10/13/04 Wed
Author: skinner
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Subject: Re: Veronica Mars
In reply to:
's message, "Veronica Mars" on 20:22:12 10/07/04 Thu
I liked last night's episode too...I didn't see the twist coming.
As for the secrets...I think her dad will turn out to be a good man who man have done a bad thing rather than a bad guy. The way he defended (sorta) Veronica's mother's decision to leave makes me think he can't be too bad. It would be easier for him to let Veronica think of her mother as a villian.
Do you watch Nip Tuck? It's PURE TRASH....and coincidently, Sean's favourite show. There was a similar cliffhanger/revelation this week about one of the main characters. Sean: "Good Lord, is everyone a man?!"
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One more question -- skinner, 14:45:20 10/13/04 Wed (
Just how common is sexual reassignment in the US anyway? Seriously, how many operations happen a year?
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Re: One more question -- wwolfe, 16:41:17 10/13/04 Wed (
I went to Ask Jeeves and typed, "How many sexual reassignment surgeries were performed in 2003 in the United States?" Among the links it gave me was one to a story in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Sept. 28, 2003. The story contained this statistic:
"The International Foundation for Gender Education, based in Waltham, Mass., estimates there are nearly 2,000 sexual reassignment surgeries performed each year."
So there you go.
My guilty TV pleasure this fall is "dr. vegas," starring Rob Lowe and Joe Pantoliano. I know it's cheesy, but I get a kick out of how the plots are "one damn thing after another." Pantoliano is always fun and Lowe does well as the flawed title character. The two women's roles are surprisingly lively, as well. I can't claim this as great art, but it has a lot more of a charge than many more respectable shows. If nothing else, the way it assumes a city built on corruption and then deals with the consequences of that without wringing its hands or preaching leads to an energy not unlike the old Warner Brothers movies starring James Cagney from the 1930s. Disreputable and fun - the latter a direct result of the former, I suspect.
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I haven't seen dr. vegas -- skinner, 18:27:24 10/13/04 Wed (
I've watched Vegas or Las Vegas (the one with James Caan). I like Rob Lowe...so I'll check out dr. vegas.
2000! WOW. I find that amazing. I had no idea there were so many. I did discover that until 1998, OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) covered the surgery. The surgery cost about $120,000 CDN & about 10 were performed each year. The government cancelled funding in 1998, but there has been some recent activity petitioning the government to rethink that. Good luck I say. Our new Premier (who I did NOT vote for and will make it my personal mission to make sure he doesn't get re-elected) just cut funding for eye exams and chiropratic services.
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Well, Grim and I know 2 -- Kuzibah, 09:33:59 10/14/04 Thu (
People who are in the process of sex-reassignment surgery, that is. One of them is very open, and I've talked to her a bit about it. She said in certain parts of the country, where the hospitals that do the surgery are, there are actually quite a few people at various stages of the process, so I'd guess it would vary by region.
Incidentally, both of these people are male-to-female. One is a bit more believable as a woman than the other (but is also further along) but I wouldn't say either is what you'd call an attractive woman. Comparing TV to reality, I'd say the totally convincing, absolutely gorgeous trans-gendered person is pretty unlikely.
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I know one. -- wwolfe, 12:18:40 10/14/04 Thu (
The former bass player on our band. I knew him for the better part of a year before he told me and the possibility had never crossed my mind. For a long time, he was very secretive about it, but now his band in Santa Cruz is made up of transsexuals. They treat it with a healthy dose of humor, which seems like a good approach.
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Re: I know one. -- skinner, 14:59:50 10/14/04 Thu (
I don't know anyone personally, but I guy I used to play sports with worked with someone who decided to become a woman. They all worked for a bank, which is a pretty conservative office environment. The HR department basically sent out a memo saying "Effective June 15th, Michael will be known as Mary"...if you can even believe that. So my friend helped organize a "welcome Mary to the team party" so it would be less awkward for everyone involvee. I thought that was pretty classy of him. At the party he went up to Mary and said he had enjoyed knowing Michael and was looking forward to getting to know him as Mary.
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Re: I know one. -- Kuzibah, 17:28:05 10/14/04 Thu (
Was he female-to-male? That might be more convincing, just because society is generally more accepting of a short, small-featured man than a tall, broad, large-featured woman.
And interesting idea for the band. I'd check them out.
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They opened for us at our last gig. -- wwolfe, 17:49:45 10/14/04 Thu (
They were a good opening act - fun, with not-bad humorous songs that kept the crowd entertained, without ever threatening to outshine us musically. Our bass player finished his set with them, took a break for about fifteen minutes, and then started playing with us.
He's about my height and weight. I've never seen a photo of him, pre-operation, so I don't know how he looked as a girl. he made the switch while a teenager in a small Indiana town, which must have been challenging.
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Most things on TV look better... -- skinner, 15:10:14 10/14/04 Thu (
I remember the first time I saw real life female strippers in action...I was struck by how ordinary they looked. Not that they weren't good looking, but I had really expected them to look as good as TV or Movie strippers. It actually made me feel more secure about my own body, if that makes any sense?
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