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Date Posted: 12:07:39 10/15/01 Mon
Author: Aviar Flux...
Subject: Aviar Flux landed in grand fashion at the AOD...

After the flight in from Rugby his fight with Skyjack and subsiquent jailing in the brig he became quite annoyed to see the goings on at the AOD.

A number of new bots were fighting there seemed to be a lack of self control on everyone's part, and Astrotrain was no where to be seen. Quickly he summoned up Nemesis -1, and order him to create a loud speaker.

Sir I don't know if I can do that, you don't have the autorization to access such a request. replied the computer.

"I really don't care right now Nemesis, just get it up, do you understad." Aviar Flux replied and Nemesis complied, supplying him with a microphone patched into the P.A. System.

"KNOCK IT OFF NOW!!!!!!!!" Aviar bellowed into the microphone, and the action stopped.Everyone stared at him and he threw down the mike, and got inbetween the fighters by the ship.

He pulled Torque and Cutdown apart, tossing them both to the sides. Then glared at the rest of the crew. Astrotrain came out of his office with a smile, Oh Aviar Your back, good to see you.The new crews have finally arrived as you can see. Ah where is Dark Star?

"That I don't know sir." Aviar replied, and looked over at the new recruits. "But I think it's time for these young bloods to take up their postions, and join the team, don't you agree?

Indeed I do. replied Astrotrain. The second shuttle had just landed supplying, Rigal an Autobot female (who was the ship), Spellbound, a female D-con who was a yellow Dodge viper, Arsnic a female Maximal that became a tree frog, and Blithe a female Predagon turned Dragonfly. As they decended the ship followed by Net-wave the head of intellegence.

She imedately came up to the two leaders followed by Dioclone, and Corpral Ferral.

"I take it that you'll be training the new recrites until Dark Star gets back." he said to Ferral who nodded.

You take it right sir. she replied and he nodded. Nemesis then made the announcement that all new personal was to report to the ships hanger to meet wthi their new bosses.

Srife jumped up at this chance and was the first one over there. At least now he had something to do.

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