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Date Posted: 09:19:57 05/11/05 Wed
Author: bboop
Subject: Re: Man saves dog!
In reply to: Femok 's message, "Man saves dog!" on 09:55:23 05/03/05 Tue

You're right~ I did love this story! :o)
And as much as I would love to say that this could have been "the man", I can't as he is in Kuwait now, protecting a U.S. miltary base from evil terrorists. He will be home next year a little older, wiser, and a little more tan!
For other pet lovers (Bill and Patty in particular!), I would recommend what we use in case of fire; small but noticeable stickers we placed on the windows of our doors that state, "Please save our pets!" and lists what pets we have in our home. You should be able to pick them up at Petsmart or a similar pet store and possibly your local fire station. They also have these for childrens bedroom windows to let firefighters know that a child could be inside a burning home sleeping. (Reflective stickers that say "Tot Finder" on them. I got ours from our local firestation.
Also, a doggie door (if you have a fenced yard, of course) where pets can get out, I think, is a good idea.
Ok, Fire Marshal Boop is done!! LOL

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