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Date Posted: Monday, August 30, 03:54:24am
Author Host/IP: generic.qe2-hsc.ns.ca /

From the land of the Bluenose....with all the pot banging going on in the kitchen it wasn't long before Marie had me awake and was wanting to go for a swim! Here it was only 1130 hours and I had just got to bed at 0700 hrs. Well it was a super nice day so I laid a quilt trip on her and away we went.....at least as far as the first ice cream parlour where the flavour of the day was cotton candy. Not my cup of tea so on to Tim's for a major pick me upper.
Once at Grand Lake we parked the car and took the tunnel under the road to the sandy side which was extremely busy given the time of year. This side produced just a few coins out of the white sandy area and a few more in the black sand area in the deeper water.

Going back through the tunnel we then hit the rocky side which isn't all that rocky once you get knee high in the water. Here too the beach was crowded with folks having egg and spoon races, jet skiing, boating, swimming and in general really having one heck of an enjoyable day.

The water was clear and calm with a perfect view of the new housing projects that are rapidily making this secluded area not so secluded. Out of the corner of my eye while swishing, I thought that I just caught a quick glimpse of "The Loch Ness" monster's twin humps but upon a closer examination found it only to be a lady floating on her backside. Didn't think for a moment that Nessy could be that big! After a few coins "yeti" was caught. Pulled out a child's ring with a big fooot on it and brightly "painted" toe nails.

That was enough for me as work and punjabi cholea were a calling.

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