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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 01, 07:10:39am
Author: leslie(nova scotia)
Author Host/IP: generic.qe2-hsc.ns.ca /
Subject: having a ball with the newbies

From the land of the Bluenose......sure was strange to swing a detector on land but had been contacted by a pair of newbies who wanted to go a digging with a "seasoned pro." One who could show them how to fall off cliffs, have his vehicle broken into and hands cut digging up targets.....a real role model.

After getting off at 0600 hrs it was a quick call to Newbie Willy at noon and away we went. Another newbie John met us at the Dingle and Gordie was in the land of the missing have domestics to take care of. Right off the bat I knew that I was going to gel with these intelligent fellows who both were green machine swingers albeit both much newer ones then my poor ole machine. A chorus of beeps soon errupted as we prepared to assault the Dingle on a day that would have had Mr. Bud seeping out every pore. Of course the bliss was interrupted by the sound of Willy's talking machine as the lady's voice was issuing commands like a head nurse in a maternity ward after father's day. What ever happened to the good old days when you just turned on the detector and away you went.

Vegatation in the Dingle was dense and the swinging hard as many of the trees from Hurricane Juan are still cluttering the land scape and laying where they fell. Managed a few pennies from the 40's as did Willy who found his oldest coin to date in the form of a 1940 penny....can't wait to get these fellows out in the fall for some 1800's stuff.

The heat took it's toll and we adjourned to Robin's for a coffee,(my treat courteousy of last water dig) water , digging tips and everyday conversation. I'm sure that Tim's didn't miss our business but was a tad out of the way as I had planned to hit another spot near the Dingle where the newbies could have a ball.....musket ball that is. So off we went and for the next hour I enjoyed watching the fellows dig up semi round, flat, splattered, smushed, toasted and intact musket balls. John looked rather pleased with his ancient finds which he put into a bucket that he carried while Willy stashed his in a pouch that would have made Batman's utility belt look pale in comparison with all the dodads and digging tools hanging off and in it. Got to have a long talk to those bouys especially when we go on on longer trips in the bush .

Heading back to the vehicles we planned to do it again soon. Both newbies indicated that they had digital cameras and scanners and where going to show this old bouy a few new tricks...got to love it!

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