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For a great invention or a great opportunity - call Isaiah 55.
For the idea of Christianity - call 1 Corinthians 5:15-19.
For Paul's secret to happiness - call Colossians 3:12-17.
How to get along with your fellow men - call Romans 12.
If discouraged about your work - call Psalms 126.
If people seem unkind - call John 15.
If you are depressed - call Psalms 27.
If you find the world growing small and yourself great - call Psalms19.
If you want to be fruitful - call John 15.
If your pocket book is empty - call Psalms 37.
When God seems far away - call Psalms 139.
When in sorrow - call John 14.
When men fail you - call Psalms 27.
When the world seems bigger than God - call Psalms 90.
When you are in danger - call Psalms 91.
When you are lonely and fearful - call Psalms 23.
When you feel down and out - call Romans 8:31-39.
When you grow bitter and critical - call 1 Corinthians 13.
When you have sinned -call Psalms 51.
When you leave home for labour or travel - call Psalms 121.
When you think of investments/returns - call Mark 10.
When you want Christian assurance - call Romans 8:1-30.
When you want courage for a task - call Joshua 1.
When you want peace and rest - call Matthew 11:25-30.
When you worry - call Matthew 6:19-34.
When your faith needs stirring - call Hebrews 11.
Emergency numbers may be dialed directly! No operator assistance is necessary. All lines are open to Heaven 24 hours a day! Feed your faith, and doubt will starve to death!
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