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Date Posted: 11:39:51 07/03/02 Wed
Author: WHITEY
Subject: July has Arrived - What's been going on!!!!

OK so shit has been slow around here.

Everybody has been doing this and that and working hard or just sleeping alot.

Hopefully if I find some time in my schedule, I'll do a little update to the site. If POKEY can shoot up the most recent Saturday Night Sociopaths cuz he hasn't covered the last 15 Saturday get together. At least one would be cool.

Like I said maybe I'll do a little overhaul on the site. I've got a few ideas and shit.

Lots has been going on lately. Strip clubs, road trips, strip clubs, bachelor parties, strip clubs, chicks CHICKS and MORE CHICKS!!! YEAH BABY!!!

Anyways, so I think the 4th of July may be a little more than expected. Big fight. Too bad we don't have a video camera anymore. I can't believe that Tripp thought it was made out of pudding. DAMN!!! We'll see if there will be some photographers there though.

So the biggest news is one of the FRF superstars got married this past weekend. No it wasn't Cryanna and his life mate Bob. Plus he's already married trying to hide his true feelings for men, and he's not part of the FRF. Just a wanna be. That's why he still checks the site everyday to see if his profile goes up. It's not Tripp because you can't legally marry your pet, not in the US anyways.....Tripp can you back me up on this. Where is it legal? I thought I saw a shiny new collar around her neck.

I'll give you the news with the WEBSITE UPDATE coming soon.....hopefully.

That's it for now....personally I'm trying to still recover from Smilner throwing me off of a ladder through a pane glass window onto a wooden table. That bastard. But hey....it's all for entertainment.


WHITEY (The man that's always keeping you down)

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