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Date Posted: 11:53:17 07/18/02 Thu
Author: WHITEY
Subject: Re: Stupid MotherFuckers
In reply to: Altercation 's message, "Stupid MotherFuckers" on 03:28:53 06/10/02 Mon

I was just going to let this go but it's too funny. I read this one every once in a while to get a laugh.

First off...If this guy has Ass Dickweeds, I wonder what his ring name is. I'm not even askin how he got the Dickweeds in his Ass.

Then he tells us to get real jobs? WTF? We work at computer companies, accounting firms, teach at schools, eat for free at Taco Bell, and even go to college. Now you can't look at us all the same as Mike. Just cuz he sits home and does nothing and the govt pays him for it, doesn't mean that we all do. I sure wouldn't mind though.

Has anyone seen us on the news for doing any "stupid SHIT"? Last I knew we haven't had any media coverage. If we get hurt, we don't whine about it. We ask for it. Not because we don't know what we're doing, because we know exactly what we're doing. Like when Pokey went to blade himself and Kather drop kicked the blade into Pokey's cheek, Kather knew exactly what he was doing.

If you do show up around us. We will do just what you said..."KICK MY ASS DICKWEEDS" You know they probably have a cream for that. Why are you asking for us to kick your ass anyways? Not too intimidating if you ask for an ass kicking.

Maybe that's how you got the ASS DICKWEEDS in the first place.

Do your so-called 4 best federations have any websites? Maybe we could check them out for ourselves and decide how good they are. Maybe we'd even stop by and kick your ass like you asked as well.

Till next time....thanks for the entertainment.

WHITEY - Always keeping you down. www.WHITEY.com

>You know its you ASSHOLES like you that make the
>backyard name bad for the rest of us. People like you
>should go got a real job instead of ending up on the
>news for some stupid SHIT you did because you had know
>expirence at what you were doing. You should take a
>hint from BYWF, VBW, HWF, or AAWF they are four of the
>best federations on the backyard circuit today. So
>take a hint from them or get the hell off the backyard

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