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Date Posted: 09:50:01 03/06/00 Mon
Author: Liberace
Subject: Re: The Decline of Western Civilization
In reply to: SkaPunkGuy 's message, "The Decline of Western Civilization" on 21:36:06 02/26/00 Sat

Western Civilization is definitely on the decline... look at television shows like Divorce Court, Tom Green, and all those disgusting Guiness Book and Home Videos shows. Unfortunately, its not television thats to blame, for art (like television) imitates life. The shows wouldnt be successful if nobody watched them. The divorce rate is through the roof these days; teen pregnancy is way too common; drug use is rampant; and there are laws created specifically for people with very specific mental problems. If there is a law that says you cant beat the hell out of someone, then a law stating that "You cant beat the hell out of someone because they think they are a glass of orange juice" is repetitive and redundant and it says the same thing over and over again. (that is an allusion to all of the new laws 'to protect against violence on account of sexual orientation') I could go on, but i gotta go to class... in the immortal words of MacArthur, "I shall return" (or for you poor victims of western degredation, "I'll Be Back" -Arnold"


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