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Subject: ::Lone canine wanders in, nothing new to these kennels...yet worried of having been forgotten::

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Date Posted: 20:37:29 06/05/02 Wed

::Orbs quickly gaze over the kennels...his kennels. Low growl rolls from his throat, yet he is unable to keep it for long. A light, cheerful bark emits as he spots Chyna...his only friend of these kennels, the only canine he had come to trust and accept. He growls once more, striding over to his old kennel, lightly gliding across the floor. Hops up into the fenced enclosure, cuddling up against his pillow...now covered in dust and dirt. Cranium lifts, peering about the abandoned kennel that he longed to occupy once again. Still finding himself as top dog and alpha male here, he stands tall at the top of the small step in...overseeing the movements of others...most of whom he did not recognize::

Just thought I would post my updated stats...

..Name.. Yahoo
..Breed.. Chinook/Shar Pei cross
..Age.. 4 years
..Gender.. Male
..Personality.. Though fun and goofy at times, Yahoo is extremely protective and territorial. He likes to be the leader, and is extremely dominant.
..History.. Yahoo was the first dog of Leighthouse Kennels, and he will make that known to all who dare challenge his position as the "leader." He doesn't take crap from anyone, and though smaller than most of the dogs here...he won't back down, no matter the consequences.

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-Notices-Thunder21:15:27 06/05/02 Wed

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