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Date Posted: 14:16:05 09/20/02 Fri
Author: Sheilah/Aurora
Subject: Arrives...
In reply to: Laura 's message, "(whoops...ending font)
" on 08:55:30 09/20/02 Fri

(ok since I play both, I'm simly gonna get this whole thing over with in one post.)

Sheilah enters the room with a small tub of warm water and extra towls, she hurries over to the bed nodding to Amarant telling him the baby was ready and to be prepared. She then looks to Aurora and smiles to let her know everything would be alright, "Ok Aurora, I want you to keep breathing and if you need somthing to grab, Amarant will help you there. Now, we need to get you into the most comfortable position." She then helps Aurora get into the correct position for giving birth as Aurora begins to have another contraction. Sheilah's brow furrows slightly as she takes hold of a towl, "Aurora this is it, you're going to have to push as hard as you possibly can." So Aurora pushes untill she can push nomore, and luckily, it was enough. Before long the body of a winged baby could be seen in Sheilah's arms. Aurora gives a small smile but is evidently weak and folows Sheilah with her eyes, her motherly instinct already at work. Sheilah gently baths the baby then wraps him in a small blanket to keep him warm, then hands him to Aurora. Aurora looks down to him a broad smile on her face, as the babe cries in her arms, she kisses his head and begins to quiet him.

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