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Subject: Re: A controversial new topic/thread

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Date Posted: 01:53:02 11/02/08 Sun
In reply to: Dreemdanser 's message, "Re: A controversial new topic/thread" on 10:11:31 11/01/08 Sat

Yes, I agree that the vast number of possibilities and reasons why an abortion might be doing less harm than continuing a pregnancy seems too many to list. This is where it gets to be a tangled mess. Setting boundaries with something this complex is a daunting task. Even the doctors themselves cannot agree on where the boundaries *should* be! They seem to take it on a case by case basis and to stay within the framework of current laws. However, there have been rare exceptions to that “rule”.
>I think in regards to government legislation I cannot
>support a ban on abortions as a Wiccan. However that
>still leaves a great deal to be pondered in terms of
>the specific legislation in regards to what
>circumstances might be allowed under the law, etc.
Ok, this begs the question, what happens when there is no law for or against something? Does that mean people and professionals CAN do it anyways, does it mean they cannot do it? That I am not very clear about. This reminds me of a conversation that I had with an officer, about how there can be “…no law against doing” something, but that does not automatically make doing such thing legal. For example, there is no “law” against sewing my blanket. Does that mean I have a legal right to do so? Well, there is no law saying that I have the right to sew the blanket. Therefore, it is not a legal right to do so, even though it is NOT illegal to do it. Simply put, there’s no law on that specifically. It’s not legal and it’s not illegal. However, that issue may be best posed to a lawyer instead of a police officer. ;) I know it may seem silly, but it seems in this day and age, there are those who seek to have everything classified as either legal or illegal. And I wonder where the breaking point with that is. But then, this is going way off-topic (as I tend to do).
>Does anyone see a logical argument for making
>abortion illegal? if so under only certain
>circumstances? Remember this is a discussion based on
>our harm none rede and the logical application of it
>to the subject, not necessarrilly about our feelings
>or emotion. If you wish to include your feelings that
>is perfectly fine, but not necessarry.
Is it ok to take on both sides of this coin? Logically speaking, some abortions should be made illegal, and suffer the same penalties as if it were someone older. The unborn child should be covered by the same laws that cover humans. With the fact a mother can be charged and incarcerated for “gross child neglect” for not getting prenatal care and/or self abuse with drug use/refusing to eat to name a few, along with “child endangerment” for extremely risky behavior. Those laws already claim that unborn child as a “human person” entitled to protections. Why the wait on defending this Childs right to live? Is that not the next logical step for a law to protect life and penalize those who kill these young people? I know of a case against a young woman, who due to her drug habit during pregnancy lost custody of her child AND was FORCED by order of court to undergo sterilization immediately after giving birth. She was not made aware of said hearing or court order until after she delivered and was “notified” as she was prepped for surgery. When she protested, she was told that there’s nothing anyone can do and she will have to obtain an att. To go take the matter in front of a judge and get a court order to stop it. However, she could NOT defend herself and had no legal means to stop it until AFTER THE FACT. By the way, her “parental rights” were terminated without her even having to be in court, prior to her delivery. Yes, it did harm to the baby…..but she did not kill the baby. How is it that she is punished in such a way, while those who blatantly do nothing to prevent pregnancy, then murder the child, get to continue repeating this abuse without so much as a question? What makes society think that it’s ok to kill innocent children as long as it’s done before its head pops out?
The harm that is done by such is that some these children who we shall never know, may have been sent here to do wondrous things for the human race, and be a part of our history. They could have been the ones to change the world for the better, For instance, where would “Microsoft” be if it were not for Bill Gates? Without that GUI (graphical user interface), many people would still not have the computer tech at their disposal like they do now. (Not implying it is ALL due to Mr. Gates though). But by this example one can see that it does harm to abort…and we will never know the full extent of the harm done because those children were not given a chance to let their light shine.
On another reason, there has been harm done to some women who have had multiple abortions to where they can no longer have children. Some of these women had no clue that could be a side effect to their actions. Passing a law making it illegal could theoretically protect them from the harm of not being able to produce later in life. Some of these women have been using abortion as if it were the “delete” key on a keyboard, not realizing that they are causing damage to themselves and possible future children. Society needs to protect them from that self-harm, just as parents protect their (already born) Children from harm.
As far as free will goes, one has free will do as he or she pleases as long as it does not harm another, when a person harms another or even themselves they have crossed the line. For those who do not want the child, there is adoption available which will help not only the “unwanted” child but also those who wish to adopt, it is a viable solution.
Ok, now……I may not have done very well at saying this side of the fence so please, can someone else step in this thread? I would like to hear from others on this as well.


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