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Subject: Re: A controversial new topic/thread

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Date Posted: 10:11:31 11/01/08 Sat
In reply to: Crystal 's message, "Re: A controversial new topic/thread" on 06:45:04 11/01/08 Sat

Very sound points, Crystal. I am loathe to imagine how government imposing a ban on abortion prevents doing harm. Yes, those who are in favor of this legislation see the law preventing harm to the unborn, but they ignore the harm to the mother and possibly also to the child in many varied ways aside from physical.

One might look at this from the physician's view in regards to the "first do no harm" edict the Physician's have sworn to. Often it is a matter of the lesser "evil" being chosen in complicated situations. the vast number of possibilities and reasons why an abortion might be doing less harm than continuing a pregnancy seem too many to name.

I think in regards to government legislation I cannot support a ban on abortions as a wiccan. However that still leaves a great deal to be pondered in terms of the specific legislation in regards to what circumstances might be allowed under the law, etc.

Does anyone see a logical arguement for making abortion illegal? if so under only certain circumstances? Remember this is a discussion based on our harm none rede and the logical application of it to the subject, not necessarrilly about our feelings or emotion. If you wish to include your feelings that is perfectly fine, but not necessarry.

hello out there....come on and throw in your 2 cents!

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Re: A controversial new topic/threadCrystal01:53:02 11/02/08 Sun

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