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Subject: a wiccan's view on the economy

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Date Posted: 12:09:05 01/26/09 Mon

Yes, yes, i know we live in the mundane world and we are affected by and affect that realm. However, it is the wise wiccan who keeps in mind that all of nature is part of cycling change, ebb and flo, light and dark, breathing in and out, growing and also dying. If we as individuals find ourselves on a receding aspect/wave economically then we know that as with anything the cycle cannot continue in the receding trend. If we add negative emotion and thought process to the receding economic phase I believe we prolong it for ourselves individually.

as for a wider view affecting a larger segment of the population...the economic downturn is much like a snowball rolling down a hill picking up size and momentum as it travels....the more people who attach themselves to and lend their energies to the same momentum the larger and more powerful the "snowball" gets. If we wish to have a positive effect on the current negative economic downturn in the US in particular and the world in general then we need to be sure we do not add our energies to that negative "snowball".

I know, this seems like a n impossibility when one is looking at serious personal situations economically, but truly our attitudes and thought process do NOT need to be controlled by circumstances. if one takes negative conditions as an opportunity to reinvest in ones magickal life then the turn around is already begun in our own lives as returning to an more spiritual and magickal focus is very positive indeed. Like a pebble tossed in a pond the ripples will soon reach the outer edges of our lives and the lives of those we touch.

So, I am going to focus on the reality I SEE magickally and spiritually and not add to any negativity rolling past me, and around me. This is not the same thing as sticking one's head in the sand and not seeing or dealing with reality....but just refusing to join in with a depressed and negative view of the growing econominc trend. when the news is full of frightening statistics and predictions we CAN send out positive and protective energies as well as surrounding ourselves with a protective sphere that is positively charged.

So to all of you who are going through tough econonic times i send you blessings and abundant prosperity!!

Love and light,

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Subject Author Date
Re: a wiccan's view on the economySir Puma22:20:05 03/16/09 Mon
Re: a wiccan's view on the economyCrystal03:16:57 05/28/09 Thu

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