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Date Posted: 05:51:38 08/01/01 Wed
Author: Kar'Neshe
Subject: The Klaw was ready to launch.

The Pirate's Colony (as it was fondly called by rogues for miles around) has been a flurry of activity for the past 52 hours. Ships were launching (quietly) in various directions heading out to different sectors via the Corridor. Others were scrambling and loading spice into their [hidden] cargo bays and making their way to distant galaxies. Some of them (the Draconians mostly) had decided that they would try to dive into the mining colony at Astroid Gamma in Omicron and do away with their history here at the Pirate's Colony.

Hard choices for a smuggler and all in a matter of 52 hours.

52 hours ago a single smuggler who had exited from the corridor had picked up a signal that was blaring across the intergalactic band via spectral waves. In fear he had turned on his (illegal) cloaking technology and had silently cursed at himself when he had done it. He knew if he was caught using it on anything but an emergency he would not only have to answer to the authorities but also to the Pirate's Colony. He had reported the signal when he had arrived at the Pirate's Colony and mostly the mercenaries (and fear) had decided the rest.

That's where Kar'Neshe came in. One of the leading mercs in the Pirate's Colony, he had vested interest in this place. He had made business dealing spice, running spice and also attacking and pirating some ships that were coming out of Omicron's mining colony...not done often, of course, but enough to make some hefty funds.

With Cybertron's withdrawal from many of the sectors and adopting a more global isolationist policy, the pirates were able to thrive in power and strength. Hidden in the darkness of space they would raid various ships and sectors...picking here and there. Constantly making a profit. Some of the rogues would laugh saying that Rugby had made on merit what R'ei-Jext had made on conniving.

And now this.

The Pirate's Colony knew what it meant to have Cybertron back in power over in this sector. Spice runs would be busted. Pirating and looting would drop to zilch. And everywhere those Cops of the Cosmos running about and spoiling money making for others while their senators grew fat off of the Pirates' once profit margin.

They could not have this.

The mercs had quickly decided that this job went beyond a need for payment because it potentially would put a permanent whole in their cred-accounts if this Starbase became fully active. They conferred among themselves and decided that a group of six mercs would head in, lead by the once-Decepticon Kar'Neshe, and they would destroy all perimeter satelites.

If Bastion was to live in this sector, it will live blindly.

If that mission was acocmplished without interference they were going to make sure that Starbase Bastion took too much effort to bring online again. The Pred-mercs agreed unanimously and the ones who were more cybernetically enhanced volunteered for the job. Of course, they all knew that if Cybertron really wanted the Starbase active, they would have it. The mercs weren't planning to go to war or anything stupid, they just wanted to stop the immediate expansion of Cybertron

Kar'Nashe knew all this, and also completely understood the underlying level of fear that was rippling through the Pirate's Colony. They all wondered if Cybertron was planning a move. They wondered about His involvement in neighboring planets policies. They feared the loss of money. And unsaid by all, was a fear of the past repeating itself. There were many here who were once advocates of Megatron's regime...but they all were cannon fodder to the meglomaniac when it came down to it. None of those who were so used cherished the idea of another tyrant rising to power and demanding their service.

Fear motivated them and their objective in this mission was not to attack Bastion directly...but to harrass it...in the dark...beneath the eyes of Cybertron. Pirates and thieves are not warriors, Kar'Nashe knew, and they were not fools. This mission could bring the full force of Cybertron's purging force down on them if done incorrectly. No amount of bribery of the Cybertronian Senate would be able to save this place then.

They would do this. The mercs were psyched. They were armed. They were ready.

They had to do this.

The Klaw engaged it's cloaking technology and cruised towards the Starbase Bastion...

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