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Date Posted: 03:47:08 12/10/01 Mon
Author: Ged
Subject: Morning came...
In reply to: D'Loris 's message, ""S-so....are...are we done?"" on 05:21:03 11/17/01 Sat

...and Ged rose from his waiting, knowing that the time had come. He stood and began to walk, passed the closed doors, and up the road for a mile, at which point he turned the corner down an alley and stood before the unrecognizable gelatinous form strewn about the alley floor.

Ged looked down on the alley floor, then over at the garbage that was strewn about. He kicked a few things with his foot, here a syringe, there some feces, then reached down to pick up a bottle. It was cracked...but it would do.

He walked back to the chunks on the floor and dipped the bottle into one of them, checked to make sure that the bottle was keeping the contents intact without touching them, then headed back down the road to where he left the sand pile.

He squated by the sand and poured some water on it, making little tiny rivulets. He then poured the gooey body of the once-hooker and mixed it in the sand.

He looked over at the spice and dipped his hand into the bag. With his palm before his face he blew gently. Anyone looking would think it was a little boy, playing in a sand box, his face was so serene and pleasant. He poured the rest of the spice down in the middle of the sand pile ontop of most of the goo.

It started to hiss.

Quickly he reached towards the water and poured that on the spice as well. He sat before the pile on the floor and closed his eyes, knowing full and well that below the sand something now moved...

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