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Date Posted: 01:54:52 09/22/02 Sun
Author: Az'LEGO
Subject: The LEGOs go martching two by two...

Hurrah, Hurrah...

The Az'LEGO was active 4,000 LEGOMinions rushed about, with 1,000 staying behind to manage the ship. It was the hustle and bustle of the LEGO invasion force that manned the ship, and they were all getting ready to land, and take over.

They all ran into the docking bay of the ship now, all linning up in groups of 20, like it was a military inspection. As the finally all lined up, the three LEGOGenerals, LuEsGuO, Puck, and Agent Orange walked in, all three taking up positions infront of the LEGOMinion army. Soon, they also turend and faced a large platform, and walking up the stars to the top, was LEGOth. He finally made it, and addressed his troops.

Sacrifice. This is all about sacrfice. Sacrifice and the continuation of the LEGORace! We have come to this universe to conquer, like our forefathees conqured. It is our destiny. Now, go! And cnqure in the name of your leader!


The LEGOMinion army called out as the groups of troops rushed to their respective landing crafts, the LEGOGenerals fallowing them, taking commander of their own landingships. The time was now.

LEGOth exited the docking bay and headed back for the bridge. Just as he left, two masive doors opend up under all the ships, leaving nothing but the void of space under them.

It began...

Hundreds of blocky LEGOships fell from the Az'LEGO, slowly drifting from the belly. When they reached a respectable distance, their egines egnited, sending the crafts flying to the surface. It didn't take long for them to reach ground, maybe 10 minutes at maximum from the distance they started at. The first ship landed smoothly. It's front doors opend quickly as hundreds of LEGOMinion troops erupted fomr the ship, all in military uniforms, helmets, and holding strang looking weapons.

They had landed pretty farm from the actual main colony, but they were willing to run. As the first group got about 200 yards from their landing craft, the second craft landed, fallowed by the third, and so forth. Soon, LEGOMinion troops were pouring over the landscape, just running, all three of the LEGOGenerals close to the front of them all.

It seemed like forever as the LEGOMinion army charged and yelled out, finally reaching the outskirts of the colony. Three, rather tall, buildings were the targets. They were large enough to house all 4,000 of the troops, and yet small enoug th conceal their actions. The LEGOArmy all finally made it to the three buildings, and rushed in all doors, windows, etc. that they could find. Rushing through the halls of all the buildings, there was virtually no resistance. Some came upon some pirates that were willing to fight back, but they failed. The LEGOMinions charged the pirates, blasting their guns, and dissintigrating them.

Finally, after about an hour, the buildings were secure, each with it's over LEGOGeneral commanding the troops inside.


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