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Date Posted: 22:57:41 08/14/02 Wed
Author: Akartis
Subject: Following
In reply to: Seleth 's message, "*Entrance*" on 22:27:12 08/14/02 Wed

The lanky male erupts into the entrance and slows his headlong run, skidding to a stop just in time to avoid crashing into a crett he'd no idea would be there - Esaki. Startled, the tan peers up at the much taller femme, extending his muzzle and sniffing at her fur cautiously. Canis-Korat? With something else mixed in? How odd. Sensing Seleth's distaste of this new person, Akartis takes a step back and regards Esaki thoughtfully, completely ignoring all previously-learned manners. Feeling a ripple run through his thin fur, perhaps of a pointed gaze or just a breeze, the tan shakes himself and glances around. The familiar blue form of the Nevashi is a welcome sight, and Seleth of course. But he returns his gaze to the dark stranger, and with an extremely curious look he inquires, "Who... and what... are you?" Using absolutely no tact whatsoever, of course.

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