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Date Posted: 13:09:05 09/01/02 Sun
Author: Seleth, Washi, and random Phia-ness
Subject: We're on Etreus! Really! -- LONG AS ALL BTSA AND BEYOND
In reply to: Washi and Redwood (Guest Star: Seleth) 's message, "Mrrrrrip-pip." on 00:33:56 09/01/02 Sun

Along an endless stretch of beach the wind patterns began to change. The breeze swirled left, then right, then wove between itself, stirring the sands and washing away old scents. Colors were added to this intricate dance, white, blue, and cerulean turning over and in on themselves. Energy reached out from the tangle, and stretched out into the basic form of a sphere. A violet form leapt out from this sphere, her wings spread from a short flight now falling to her sides as she landed. Seleth stepped away from the sphere of time and peered around. Her muzzle instinctively lifted to a more natural wind not caused by the Portal. And yet, she caught nothing, except a few older scents. Her eyes flicked back to the swirling ball. She waited calmly for Washi.

The cherry-furred male ended his lunge ungracefully, paws stumbling in the fine sand and finding little purchase to stop his momentum. After sending up a flurry of grains, Washi stops, extracts his paws from the sands, and looks around. The profusion of red and gold foliage and the gorgeous silver water elicits an awed look from the Canis-Warrior. "Wow..." he murmurs, before instinct also forces him to take several deep whiffs of the air. Nothing new. He turns his sculpted muzzle towards his companion and grins. "Looks like the place is empty, aye? I had heard the beaches were very populated though. Odd." The male shrugs lightly and settles his multi-colored wings against his flanks.

Two bright blue eyes blink from under a layer of sand, the intelligent orbs peering up at the two strangers from a distance of about a foot. The rest of the lanky, long-legged Phia is buried underneath the fine grains, including the retracted, dagger-straight, tail blade. Breathing carefully, so as not to inhale sand, the hidden male watches the intruders with an increasingly hostile gaze. Rowi doesn't betray his presence with any movement, however, and trusts that his fellow pride will discover the two canines and let his own pride leader know about these... offensive arrivals.

Another pair of icy orbs examines the winged canines underneath the waves. Silver fur entwined with darker shadows of blue match perfectly with the ocean, and violet claws extended with slowly ascending fury blend with the amethyst sand beneath agile paws. Her lengthy tail flicks once behind her, a metallic curved blade extending with the simple movement. Liram lifts her muzzle to the surface, takes a quick breath for scent and air, and returns to her original position. A telepathic rumble is sent to both her pack members and allies. The message is simple. Trespassers.

An embedded Phia keeps watch, one tufted ear giving a minute twitch at the message. Her blaze green eyes watch the intruders as well, for her ebony-furred, emerald-rosetted form is buried not in sand, but in vibrantly-hued flowers and brush. The pride leader lifts her lip in a silent snarl, baring impressively long fangs, and her own bright green claws slide out of their sheaths to clench the sienna red soil. Such insolence will not go unpunished, thus her thoughts run, and a wickedly-curved blade rests gently against a tree root, yet held at ready - at any moment, Migu can erupt from her hiding place with a flurry of decapitated leaves and branches to attack. One slight whiff tells her of her cousin's position beneath the sands, and she knows her fellow pride leader is in the water. What of the other direction?

A snarl ripples through Zoled's muscular golden form at his mother's message. Forest green eyes and a well-trained muzzle had told him of the canines beforehand... But hearing those words so clearly in his mind emphasized the point even more. There were strange beasts. They were on his land. They must die. Tangerine ears flick back against said head, and a powerful tail releases a lengthy sword of a blade. Claws unsheath into the sand around him, and he pulls his hind legs beneath him into a ready crouch. Lips curl back into a devilish grin, revealing sharp teeth and swiftly extending saberteeth. His return message is simple, and sent only to the other three who he knew would also be here.
So... who gets first dibs on the violet one?

Washi's ears quiver as his mind picks up a low mental growl, and an unbidden shiver races down his spine, letting a line of fur stand up in anxiety. "I heard something," he mutters quietly, his emerald-bright eyes glancing around almost frantically. "I think..." he pauses, gnawing his words, then finishes with some trepidation, "I think we're being hunted." Ears flicker, trying to catch various sounds, and his eyesight -pretty bad for a Canis but still decent- attempts to sight anything of use. Nothing. The male sniffs the air again and again, but only catches the old smells. He fluffs his wings nervously, looking around quicker, and steps a few paces backwards, ears going flat as the shifting sand stays suspiciously firm under his hindpaws.

Rowi gets stepped on. Bright blue eyes gaze at the underbelly of the brightly-colored creature, but the cheetah-shaped Phia stays motionless... for now.

Seleth's eyes widen. If Washi had been trained by Sake... well... she trusted his mental skills a heck of a lot more then her own. Although. She'd heard something too. Seleth shivers; at the word hunted she can't help it. Ears flick back instinctively and her tail quivers slightly. Then well trained eyes catch a glimmer of something blue beneath Washi's paws.
"Washi? Slowly put your blade underneath your stomach and get the btsa off that patch of sand."

The Canis-Warrior cocks his head, confused, but figuring that she probably knew what she was talking about -judging by the sudden rush of fear-scent- he slid his blade, sharp undercurve pointing downwards, carefully under his torso, and--

Rowi took this golden opportunity and, using his speed and agility, erupted from the fine sand, grains spraying everywhere, and, carefully avoiding the blade but not the Canis, sends the male flying through the air. With an impish grin, the tan-furred Phia pulls himself from the pit in which he was napping and stood, his eight-foot frame dwarfing the smaller doggies, and looks down with bright blue eyes. Heh heh heh.

--and he's flung through the air. Not high enough to manage flight, not long enough up there to open his wings and break his fall, but also not high enough to get killed as he crashes in a heap of vibrant fur and feathers behind Seleth. Thud.

Seleth almost screamed. Wings flap furiously, sending her careening backwards and almost getting hit by the falling Washi. She looks up to see the falling mass of red and with a yelp jerks to the side. She stares at him a moment, stares at the gigantic feline, and barely holding back a whimper... forces herself to find bravery in there... somewhere... and takes a protective position over the fallen cherry form. Her wings flare protectively and she eyes the tan Phia with caution, taking due notice of the sword blade, saberfangs, and really sharp looking claws. She takes a deep breath, and tries... through fear and anger... to be diplomatic.

She speaks mentally, as that was all she knew of these creatures at the time. I am Seleth, a Canis. My friend, who you so kindly gave a free air trip, is known as Washi. I am assuming we have accidently stumbled upon your territory. We wish only to talk, not hunt on or attempt to steal from your beautiful lands. If prefered we can move to the edge of your territory, and continue conversation from that area. She pauses, and if she wasn't terrified would have grinned at the oh-so-common diplomatic line. Can you show me to your leader?

A slight sifting of sand is all shown before Zoled leaps out from behind the sand dune he had been hiding behind. He eyes the Canises quietly, sharing only with Rowi a quiet grin of approval for the "flight of the puppy". He then turns his gaze to the one who called herself Seleth. You amuse us pup. If only for that reason do we let you live. He pauses The 'leader' you wish to see is actually two. They will show themselves when and if they feel like it. The huge golden form sits, his lengthy rust-colored tailblade held out to point at Washi. Zoled speaks in his native tongue ~The red one flies well aye?~

Rowi grins broadly, showing off his narrow yet razor-sharp fangs. ~Aye, that he does. I wonder if the purple mutt does as well?~ The cream-hued Phia looks at the pair laughingly, but says nothing in reply - only because he cannot 'path. However, a rustle can be heard and the male turns his muzzle to watch.

Migu rises from her place in the dense forest, crescent-shaped blade swiftly chopping through any vines that sign their death warrant by tangling around her emerald paws. Stepping forward and onto the beach, she grins tersely to her cousin and his friend, ~Leave them to us now,~ and approaches the Canises. So you want to see the leaders, hmm? she sends a rather loud and strongly brassy mental tone into both canines' minds. Look well. This last part is accompanied with a low, threatening growl. Migu pauses, though, knowing full well that once she's shown herself, her sister will emerge as well.

Emerge Liram does, show herself she does not. It is not until silver-blue form walked fully out onto the revealing tan sands that she could be seen clearly. Her curving blade flicked powerfully behind her and she offered a nod to all there... except the Canises. To them, she gives only a silent glare. Ears and tail held high, she need not say that she is the other leader. If you have something to tell us, then speak it now. If we find it to our liking... We may let you out of our territory with your lives.

Seleth would have cringed, if she wasn't shivering so badly. She would have lowered her tail and ears, if they weren't already as low as Canisly possible. She would have been dumb-struck, if two lives hadn't depended on her speaking. So she spoke.

I come from Terole. It is a good planet, many denizens of many races live upon it, take care of it, and in turn, it provides them a home. It is admittedly not as beautiful as your own Etreus, but it works. Unfortunately, our planet is under attack by a race known as the Drakka. Many of us can fight. But we are gravely outnumbered. We have few allies. We have little hope. But my friend had heard of your species. Brave warriors who loved battle, were valiant and noble. We came here to ask for your assistance in this War. We realized the dangers, and the likelihood that you would turn us down. But we only wished to ask, and once I recieve your answer and hopefully... permission... we will leave your territory in peace. We will head back to Terole, with or without you. If without, I do solemnly swear that we would never bother your prides again.... I wish only to end this with a gracious thankyou for allowing me to speak. It only strengthens your reputation as honourable beings.

Washi, after the stars stopped twirling around his head from the fall, opens his eyes and regains his bearings. On his flank, he faced the Phia who threw him, and four staunch legs indicated that he was currently being protected by Seleth. Trying to regain his composure, yet the arrival of three more Phias leaves him feeling a little... weak... so he doesn't try to rise, nor does he excuse himself from Seleth's guardianship. Green eyes still a bit glassy from the fall, the Canis-Warrior watches, but also extracts his blade from underneath his haunch... just in case.

Migu's glowing orbs watch silently, listening to the femme, and after the Canis finishes, a slow grin spreads across her bewhiskered muzzle. She casts a glance to her sister, but knowing her, decides to voice her opinion first. But, before she speaks, she settles into a Sphinx-position, muscles playing under a glossy ebon pelt and making the sharply-defined emerald rosettes seem to ripple. Well, in that case... The 'short' Phia -standing at about six feet- laughs growlingly. My pride's weaponry and heart is for Terole. With a slightly less serious tone, she adds, It was getting boring anyway. Being the top-notch two prides on this half of Etreus doesn't make for much excitement. The dappled feline laughs again, grins, and turns her bright gaze to Liram. Waiting for her response with an eager glint in those green eyes.

Liram's jaw drops in a return grin to her sister and she faces to the violet femme. A nod is given and a slow-growing roar shoots forth from mind and voice. She smirks, My pack shall soon be arriving. We'll be coming as well. A swift shift of facial expression is made. Icy eyes peer curiously at the Canis female, and one furred brow raises in question. How will we be traveling to your planet?

Washi's eyes widen, though physically he stays limp and motionless. They agreed?? His plan worked?? He blinks a few times, slowly and with great care, trying not to draw more attention to himself than need be. However, a small grin appears on his muzzle. They've succeeded in obtaining help from warriors of the past.

Violet eyes flash in exuberance. They had agreed!! Seleth shakes her head to force herself out of her excitement, and attempts to answer this question the best way she can. Washi here has a special talent of making Time Portals. I assure you it's merely a ball of energy which you leap into and thus are transported to a designated planet. It cannot close on you, and is very safe. She pauses a moment, and feeling a bit safer, steps about a foot away from Washi... in case he had felt like standing up any time soon. She then slowly, and daringly grins at the Phias, May I inquire as to your names?

The rosette-patterned feline responds. You may, and I suppose we'll answer. I am Migu, this is my cousin Rowi whom gave your friend a flying lesson. My sister Liram leads her own pride, and this is her son, Zoled. There are twelve total in my pride, and fifteen in Liram's. An ear flick is given, and Rowi can't help but grin. His cousin never was the cautious type, and that suited him fine - it was the primary reason he'd joined her pride in the first place. Not that long ago, in fact. He'd never faced a really hard fight before, and is looking forward to this 'war' business.

Liram eyes Washi, her eyes flicking in slight caution. Is he well enough to make this Portal? Her tail flicks once behind her, her blade retracting. Zoled grins to himself. He'd keep his sword blade out... show these Terolians all his weaponry. Orbs peered back at the blade almost inquisitively, he'd hunted before... but never fought sentient beasts. He grinned, his blade would be getting some real action soon enough.

Feeling the time is right, Washi rises carefully, discreetly stretching his bruised shoulder and other semi-sore muscles, including his multi-colored wings. Then, with a muted grin for his fellow Canis, his emerald eyes close and he concentrates. The Portal forms a little quicker than last time, cerulean and blue-white sparks erupting, swirling, building, and forming a sphere. Okay Seleth, you lead the way, he sends to her, though he probably could've spoken Kalash and had no fear of the Phias understanding him. But still... better safe than sorry. As the Time Portal becomes full-blown and ready to be used, he nods his cherry-furred muzzle in a go-ahead gesture.

Seleth grinned as the old-scents (which she now recognized as what all Phias smelled like after almost becoming lunch for four of them) multiplied and surrounded her. She felt no fear now, an alliance was an alliance, and the Phias had earned her trust. With a howl of departure she leaps into the Time Portal, and disappears into the realms of travel beyond the living world.

Migu grins as the ten Phias of her pride emerge from their various posts of observation, the many colours, shapes, and sizes almost dazzling in their variety. Then, seeing the Canis femme go, she figures she'll get first dibs on this new world and follows, padding towards the pretty Portal and then gracefully leaping through. Rowi waits for the rest of the pride to follow, before he brings up the rear with a wink to his friend Zoled. As his dagger-blade vanishes within the swirl of electricity...

Liram turns her head in a beckoning gesture and her thirteen other pack-members race out from golden brush and bramble. She nods to Zoled to lead them through first and the muscular Phia grins. With a roar of guidance he races to the portal and leaps through it. The various Phias of many shapes and colors careening after him... Liram waits till the last hind paw has dissapeared before offering Washi a slight grin of apology for the flying episode. A flick of her tail and she has followed the others, her silver hide vanishing in the swirling sphere.

Washi holds his concentration until Liram departs, inwardly thankful that the Phias wasted no time - he's not used to holding a Portal open for longer than it takes for himself to leap through. Once the silver female is gone, the Canis-Warrior takes one quick, regretful look around him. "I hope these lands don't meet with sorrow when the Phias return," he murmurs, wondering how many of the great warriors will die on the fields of battle. Breathing a sigh, he turns his noble muzzle back towards his path to Terole, and lunges through. The swirling orb of energy vanishes behind him, and all is as it once was... except for the lack of twenty-seven mighty felines.

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