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Date Posted: 10:42:45 09/16/02 Mon
Author: The Ten and Vegekyt
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+. Enter the swat team!
In reply to: Collie 's message, "Utterly delighted." on 14:21:46 09/14/02 Sat

Vegekyt keeps a keen ear lifted, standing near the Den's mouth. The old Vygun leans against the wall, both sets of arms crossed, spines down, and fin settled against his tail in a mirror of relaxation. Wary silver vision scans the horizon and forth, checking back upon the masses within the cave-structure every once and a while. The sound of deeply whirring engines catches his senses, causing a ripple to go up deep gray spines. The Lieutenant stand straight, peering off into the dusty expanse for the source of the noise. Ships appear, led by one the size of two Mekks. Without seeing it, the wise green-black knew it was black, with the golden circle and silver dragon. The others, quickly following behind, bore the same insignia, that of the High Fleet. Rapidly the crafts come, spaced wide for safe skimming. And soon the team has stopped, settled, and hopped out. The ten elite Vygun trot forth to the tall male. Phyyria claps his shoulder good-naturedly.

"This way, Ten."

Vegek grins and turns, trotting into the Den once more. Clearing his throat loudly, the charismatic one speaks,

"Governor Redwood, the Ten have come. We will win this war."

He gives an introduction as he points to them.

"Phyyria Kehdragzu, 'Darkhelm', pilot of -The Dragon's Brigade-." An immense femme with foresty fur, mottled lightly with black. Her eyes glow a deep silver, membranes, spines, and headfur a low bronze. She gives an idle nod of respect.

"Razdek Jhyzxutqepa, 'Crimsonwave', pilot of -Bstafire-." Mid-sized and tough, this male has scarlet fur and heavy silver stripes. Gaudy blue spines and membranes, with gold-blue headfur and belligerent green eyes. A rough salute.

"Sendai Kakenel, 'Rushwind', pilot of -Silverwing-."
Very small for a Vygun, with pretty silver-gold fur striped with grayish black-brown. Sivlery headfur, membranes, and spines, as well as gentle blue eyes belie quite the 'tude. she gives a grin and a nod.

"Cyrina Belladath, 'Calmtones', pilot of -Pancake-."
Stocky and shorter, a femme with paler green fur mottled very faintly with quiet black. Pure silver eyes and navy blue headfur, spines, and membranes speak of gentle and calm ways. True enough. A low bow, from her.

"Tiran Xtuunivuu, 'Psycicpower', pilot of -Magaol's Pride-."
Brassy gold fur and thin treebark stripes cover him, cyan eyes imperious. Chesnut headfur is clipped, and spines and membranes of a similar hue held relaxed. Crisp holding of hand-to-chest.

"Aarqu Rivahexa, 'Quicktalon', pilot of -Energyblast-."
Emerald eyes are set in a face of brilliant red and mottled silver, garishly bright yellow membranes, spines, and headfur. He's small, very small, yet energetic as all bsta. A smile and a bow.

"Waerhni Dtylrnuvty, 'Madmind', pilot of -Straight Arrow-."
Fire red with thin silver stripes, golden membranes and spines, with maroon/gold headfur. The femme has half-crazed forest shaded eyes. She gives a loud 'ni' and a salute before Vegek moves on.

"Haorkay Cologehpayt, 'Portclaws', pilot of -Griffin's Anger-."
Deep bronzey fur, mottled with earthy shades. Navy eyes burn with quiet cruelty. Deep green headfur, spines, and membranes, the latter usually flared. What can barely pass for a nod.

"Haledan Hejhinok, 'Silentkiller', pilot of -Stone and Steel-."
Faded traveler's green eyes peer passively, deep gray-silver mottles spread across a dark-blood plain. With headfur, spines, and membranes of a dull black, this very tall male seems covered in shade. Meeting of Redwood's gaze. Respect is within, only shown in a quiet visage.

"X'korze Fgekaraehn, 'Bladeheart', pilot of -Cosmic Dagger-."
Taller even then Vegekyt, she stands, impossibly dark green striped heavily in low tones of black, membranes, spines, and headfur the latter. Silent gray-silver eyes are deep and cold. A slight salute, emotionless.

The elder gives a low bow himself.

"My blade is yours."

His words are mirrored by the rest.

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