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Date Posted: 21:58:50 09/28/02 Sat
Author: Skavan
Subject: Message

The grey bi-ped raced into the Den wearily, his legs shaking beneath him as he struggled to stand. He took one final breath and caught the strong scent he had been following, and in so catching it, turned to face it's owner... finding himself looking at the Korat Original herself. Bloody tail dropping to the floor in the mental courtesy that his dizzy mind forced him to remember, he held both hands at his sides, bowed, stood... then collapsed to the floor. His fore-arms struggled beneath him, but slipped in his own profuse perspiration. His ears drooped and his foreleg kicked once behind him... then dropped as he started to slip into unconsciousness. He shook his head, the normally spiked head fur wet with sweat. His eyes, though blank and glazed over, locked firmly on the one he had been sent to warn...

"Ran... all the way here... Tail hurt... Didn't know... Lost blood... Very hot.. No water... No worry about me... Other things... Drakka scout... I crashed it... It alive... Fight start... Expanse... Pilots battle..."

The adolescents now dulled orbs fill with pain, and the burns that cover his body from literally being hit by the side of a nuclear explosion take their toll. He slips into the realm of darkness, the only signs of his life being a shakily rising and falling side.

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