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Date Posted: 02:27:49 09/03/01 Mon
Author: Hredit
Subject: He smiles, "What pathetic ideals. I assume you've figured out who I am now."(rest of message inside)
In reply to: Devan 's message, "*The creature returns and nods kindly to Hredit* "I am afraid I couldn't find you a ship... Sorry..."" on 20:30:53 08/29/01 Wed

He turns to face the terolian, ignoring the blade. "So, you think you have me right? Wrong. There's one thing you may not understand about my race. Our proccess of breeding is to inject microscopic eggs into a living host. These eggs are carried through the blood stream to the heart, where they hatch and become Vareshins. The full process of infesting, hatching, and growing to the young adult stage takes in general about an hour." He grins. "The thing most people don't get is that this process doesn't have to be done on intelligent beings. It can be done on simple animals. Basically what I'm trying to say is... we breed fast when we need to." Sprays of dirt suddenly shoot up as a dozen Vareshins burst out of the ground. "I always keep a personal guard with me." He frowns and growls in anger all of a sudden. "et me make something clear, I'm getting off this grashek planet if I have to storm the Expanse and take a ship by force!!!!!!"

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