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Date Posted: 09:23:31 09/08/01 Sat
Author: Moal
Subject: Cayrn, anger sated or ego diverted...
In reply to: Cayrn 's message, "Cayrn slipped into the slums." on 17:12:00 08/07/01 Tue

...doesn't matter the way you look at it.

"Ego has got to go when you think of the way that events tend to flow. In threes, in fives, in sevens, in spaces?

"What is the matter?
Angry events plague your thoughts
Just let them get out.

"Cayrn you come seeking answers where I can give you none. You seek the reason for the contract...but you seek in the wrong place. Many seek the Senate's death...and I hired only the best.

"Death like a vulture
Waiting to feed on all life
Behold as it swoops"

He turned his blind optics in the dark, the dying ember of dead red optics pulsating weakly behind the unseeing Cybertronian eyes. Cayrn stood before him, tall and beautiful and there was no way he could appreciate her except for some of the barely operable cameras that turned in unison with his head...himself being hardwired to the things. He lowered his head and the cameras continued in their ever stare. In the distance there was an explosion and Moal tilted his head for a moment looking like the rodent he used to be capable of transforming into.

"Another that has not been sent but chooses to go. This place is an arid forrest, leaves lie dead in the foliage, all waiting for the day the heat rises a mere degree more to combust in a flame which will cover the very heavens.

"The Sea always moves
To and fro, awesome power
Nothing can stop Him

"And nothing can stop the sea of the angry masses oppressed by the Senators and the tyrants that have arisen. Outside, we can both hear the noise, the yelling, that is the beginning sweet Cayrn. The beginning of the masses embracing something."

"I wonder who has died..."

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