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Date Posted: 12:46:10 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Caryn
Subject: She was brief with her explanation of recent events...
In reply to: Moal 's message, "Cayrn, anger sated or ego diverted..." on 09:23:31 09/08/01 Sat

...not glossing over all he had told her, but rather putting it to the side for now—it was a bit much to process especially in riddle form.

Moal seemed to take her concerns in stride. He nodded in all the right places and showed some concern when he tilted his head seeming to listen to something very distant, but otherwise he didn't seem to really care about what she was telling him. He took the news of the rook's attempt as if it were expected (and for a moment she thought he was the one who commisioned the fool) which he then reinforced with some fear-dispensing gibberish about the anry mob and what a force they were to be reckoned with.

In the distance, she heard Hound's gutteral growling as if something were truly building up inside of him. Just in case, she adjusted her weapons cache.

Moal tilted his head, this time his dead optics dully focused on her. Damn it, if she didn't know for a fact he was blind she would have thought he was staring at her. True she could hear the whirring of the cameras, so in a way He was, but those eyes...

...he didnt' truly know, she realized as parts of his riddle clicked into place. There was a professional contract on the senators' heads but this was reaching into the realm of Righteous War—something that she didn't much like tainting the Art. Moal seemed to have acknowledged as much by the "other who has not been sent but chooses to go." The fanaticism was inherit in the statement of the heat rising just a bit to combust into a roaring fire. Indeed, she could be reaching, but she didn't think so.

The roar of the masses outside reached her ears once more and she looked up through the patchwork of fallen architecture in The Fort. The heavens burst with distant explosions and shooting stars. The masses cried out their "Wings of Hope" over and over again. In the not-so-distance she could hear a human's fanatical ranting.

She lowered her eyes and looked at Moal as a smile cracked across his face. He nodded knowingly and she realized that she may have been too late to grasp the full implications of a fanatical mob.

"The fire burns...the jihad approaches..." He chuckled.

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