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Date Posted: 21:17:27 10/30/01 Tue
Author: Officer Max Pendobal
Subject: He stretched, groaning as his back cracked loudly.
In reply to: Officer Max Pendobal 's message, ""Sheesh, what're they expecting....flipping Unicron?!"" on 15:41:38 08/26/01 Sun

Officer Pendobal had been trained to stand watch for long periods of time but now, as he opted to walk around the Dipscee platform, he was glad to move stiff muscles.

Once on the other side, he slipped a small round device from his shirt pocket. Flipping a switch, he activated a holographic display of his estranged wife, which rotated slowly above the disk. He missed her terribly, and counted his blessings that his last days were proving to be uneventful after all. Though he had scoffed at the reinforcements Nav-Ops had deployed, he could now admit that his pacemaker had nearly skipped at the prospect of a real threat. Now more than ever he knew he was going to be all right.

He squinted up at the framework of the Dipscee platform, and let out a low whistle. Perched up high, between steel beams, something was watching him. He called out, but recieved no answer. Carefully, Max slung his rifle around his shoulder and began to climb. The closer he got, the more he made out what appeared to be a small human infant, not in distress, just...observing. Even at sixty year's old Max was one of the best climbers on the force, and he reached that particular beam in minutes, only to find it empty.

Resting to catch his breath, Max began to laugh. Clearly he was eager to see--actually meet--his grandchildren, after so long a tour of duty. He shook his head, amazed that he could still succumb to nerves like some rookie. Tired though he often was during a shift, seeing things that weren't there was definitely a new one for him. In a few days, he'd be able to rest.

Officer Max Pendobal was going to be all right....

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