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Date Posted: 12:06:56 01/13/02 Sun
Author: Officer Max Pendobal
Subject: Max remained perched on a girder of the Dipscee platform..
In reply to: Officer Max Pendobal 's message, "He stretched, groaning as his back cracked loudly." on 21:17:27 10/30/01 Tue

...admiring the view. Cybertron was always a breathtaking sight, made moreso by the multiple green areas bisecting the normally cold golden and silver metallic regions. From up here, it was a shining marble in the cosmos, a tranquil orb upon which one could hardly concieve of so many bitter battles. The first civil war, Unicron, the Beast Wars, and the Vehicon occupation had all taken their toll in their own way upon the robots and the spirit of Primus' world. But from this distance, Max could scarcely envision conflict of any kind. He had thought of Earth much the same way when he had left, taking one last look at his homeworld before the transwarp drive propelled the vessel lightyears beyond.

Max looked now to the stars, as he often did, and tried to find the one that was Sol. Rationally, he knew his system was too far away for even a speck in the heavens to be considered home, but he had long ago arbitrarily selected one as comfort. Now though, he noticed an entire area seemed dark, and that was unsettling. He pulled out his digital compass, to ascertain whether he was facing the right way. He was, and as he squinted, he thought he saw the star he was looking for, though many in the neighboring area seemed obscured. He thought again of the baby he had imagined, the tricks his tired mind was playing on him. Now it seemed his eyes were betraying him as well. Or perhaps it was a space cloud. It didn't matter. The military prescence on Velocity was a precaution for a threat he didn't expect to see, and in four days when he retired and boarded a shuttle back to Earth, back to his wife, back to his life, none of this would matter anymore.

Officer Max Pendobal was going to be all right....

"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is no longer indispensable."
-Admiral Richard E. Bird, Alone, (1938)

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