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Date Posted: 07:52:03 01/21/02 Mon
Author: Sgt. Capibara
Subject: "Skims! What in the name of Primus are you doing?!"
In reply to: Sgt. Capibara 's message, ""This is boring."" on 21:20:21 10/29/01 Mon

The Autobot welding beneath the Sergeant's console looked up and blinked. The technorganic had stepped away from his console moments earlier, to find someone else to look at his latest long range reading and had been upset to learn the others still treated him like dirt. So high pitched and annoying was his voice that he was often tuned out even when he had something important to say. But what he had detected was more than some cloud of space dust or speck on his monitor, and it had taken him time to calibrate his screen exactly to reflect four darkened, diamond-shaped masses. If they wouldn't come look he would simply forward the data to one of their stations, or in the extreme print out a chart or transfer the findings to a mobile datapad. That had been the plan until he returned to his station to find his screen irritatingly dark...

"I asked you a question Officer Skims! Why is my station down?"

"I'm supposed to replaced the casings on the whole ship..." said the larger, physically stronger Autobot, handing the Maximal a datapad of his own. As Capibara read Skims' orders, lengthy ones at that, his scowl deepened.

"This says NOTHING about the casings on the interior consoles! Why in Primus' name do we need INTERIOR reinforcement? You were supposed to be doing this to the HULL of the ship, not the WHOLE ship! Did you even read this?!"

Capibara threw the datapad down with a spittle flinging hiss. Skims shrugged and retracted his welding arm, his right hand reappearing from his forearm seconds later to grab the datapad and quickly head out of the bridge. Capibara checked and noted the circuitboards below were still intact, though the metal casing protecting them now hung on one loose screw tenuously. The Autobot hadn't fried anything, but he had shut down the work station, normally a wise precaution to avoid data damaging surges. Of course, as Capibara restarted, he realized saving is always a wise idea before shutting a harddrive down, something he wished he had done before walking away. He banged his head in disgust against the screen before him as it slowly booted but caught few glances from fellow officers who found him too repulsive to look at sometimes. His only consolation, if that, was that perhaps his colleagues had been right about dust and what he thought he found wasn't anything of any significance after all....

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