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Date Posted: 15:15:46 04/09/02 Tue
Author: The Hives laid back in wating...
Subject: The Swarm (Hives)
In reply to: Oyl Slik 's message, "Red warning lights sprang to life..." on 08:53:01 04/09/02 Tue

Sitting like omnipitant gods, hovering over the battle feild. The battle raged all around them, but they remained still. Then the oncoming Cybertronian ships can into view, weapons blazing, sheilds holding. The Hives then shuddered as more openings appeared on the hives, more green light erupting from them.

The Cybertronian ships were smarter this time as they dodged the light, still firing, still coming. The green lights then disappeared, and an onslaught appeared. As soon as the green lights retracted, the red pulse blasts came. They came in hundreds, blasting away, in every direction. Many of the oncoming Cybertronian ships were missed, and a few were only hit once or twice. However, there were unlucky ones. Many of the front line were blasted to bits. 10 to 20 of the pulses impacting the ships, tearing them to shreads.

And first the Cybertronian ships stoped to compensate for the destroyed, then they came again, weaving in and out of the blasts, some ships were missed, and still others destoryed or damaged

Then the ships dispersed, creating a gap in their lines. Then the blast came, impacting on one of the Hives. It shuttered, getting blasted from it's previous position, a large well of fire exploding from the impact sight.

The Cybertronian counterattack haulted, as did the Hives, but the battle raging behind them did not. There seemed to be a moment of rejoyce coming from the ships, then it was suddenly shattered. The Hive that was hit returned to it's position, the fire gone, no sign of damage.

The Cybertronian ships started again, and continued there counterattack, dodgeing more energy pulses.

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