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Date Posted: 23:37:16 07/17/03 Thu
Author: Toya
Subject: Re: Frozen
In reply to: Kyrae 's message, "Re: Frozen" on 23:12:25 07/17/03 Thu

^He blinked, eyes widening slightly for a moment, ears tilting back a little, though not in an angry way, in more of a taken-aback way. He backed up a step or two...He didnt by any means expect her to say what she had just said...usually she had been so...eerily calm. His normal expression quickly refaced itself as he looked at her, silent. But then just as quickly as his normal, emotionless expression had appeared, it again left. His ears folded back, black eyes narrowed. A scowl playing at his lips.^ You want kind? You want decent conversations, you say? Fine. You can have that. Hide whatever the hell you're feeling inside and just act like you're happy and talk to him, and anybody else all you want. Keep lying to yourself. But what I saw from back behind those shrubs was not someone who wanted to speak. I saw someone who wanted to be left alone...who didnt seem to care if anyone was around her at all as of then, let alone care about what that wolf ^he glanced over at Azizi^ was saying. You dont want rude comments, you want kind, polite, "decent" conversations? Fine. Keep this damn wolf, then. I, however, am not going to change the way I talk, act, or think for any reason. Not for my pack, not for the wolves, and not for you. Im not going to hide who I really am just so I can please others. And if that's what I'd have to do in order to please them...then screw them. I dont need them...^He spoke, words pursing out of his mouth one by one. He was angry, furious. And yet for some reason...hurt...^ I had said you were too kind for your own good...apparently I've spoken far too soon. ^He said, and with that turned and began walking away. He muttered angrily aloud to himself as he walked...^ I knew there was reason for me to go to Hindi...

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