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Date Posted: 23:00:35 04/15/04 Thu
Author: Taz
Subject: A Rebel...Taken Down?!!?

--There he was...Taz. The wolf whose reputation at Black Pines was far from a pleasant one. Known for his snide comments, short temprament, his seeming love of fighting, and his brute strength, the appearance of this wolf now was far from what he was known as. Limping his way into the wooded areas of Black Pines, he panted for breath, barely able to carry himself, it seemed. Warm crimson blood dripped from numerous cuts and gashes that lined his body. His muscles twitched in tension, pain, and pure exhaustion. The wolves icy, intense grey eyes were now glazed over, seemingly empty of life. Finally, he came to a stop. Taking in a few deep breaths, he finally collapsed to the mossy forest floor-his blood now starting to encircle him. What had happened? How did this happen? What, or who, could have possibly done this to the untouchable wolf-to this rebel? And quite possibly even bigger a question-who, if anyone, would try and help him? His very life may depend on the answer to this alst question...who??

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