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Date Posted: 14:24:51 12/06/01 Thu
Author: Biggs, Dream Guid
Subject: The capped dream guide walked his companions through the city...
In reply to: Nathaniel 's message, ""I'm gettin' really tired of holding this guy..."" on 10:04:20 11/22/01 Thu

...pointing out ot them some of the regular inhabitants, those that where of Dah'Li that ran the shops, cafes, and food markets. There were many around this city, the strang city that looked like it was compiled of hundreds of cities from across the real realm, and at the same time looked like a city out of some space movie. Biggs, as a side track, stopped his companions, and walked over to a near by food stall.

Hello again Kalabo! Biggs said to the shop keeper.

Well hello Biggs! The usual? the shop keeper exclaimed.

Yes, but add four more. Got a few counterparts with me here.

The shop keeper exclaimed, ducking unders his little stall, then coming up with four fairly large purple fruits.

Biggs took the fruits and passed them out two his four companions.

Here, eat these. They are quit good and perfect here in this dry weather. Plus, I'll make sure to give one to your 'captive' when he wakes up.

Biggs and the others continued to walk down the main road of the city, slowly but surely coming to the foot of a very large mountain

This my frineds, Biggs motioned to the others, is Mount Mon, the holy mount. Atop this lies the great power that will aid you in destroying the great evil that is about to befall your realm like a sinister shadow. Now, it is a very hard climb, and those who are not willing must, and I mean must, turn back now, or you risk endangering everyones life, because once we reach the top, we will have a challange to face, and everyone of you will be needed.

Biggs looked around at the crew, noticing all of them nod.

OKay then, it is agreed. Lets us begin.

And Biggs began to climb the mountain, fallowed by the others...

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