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Date Posted: 18:19:46 12/10/02 Tue
Author: Rita
Subject: Chapter 4

The Walk-Over Page 1 of 4
Chapter 4 Words: 960

When a dream, such as the Conference Dream forewarned a junvenal death, I would call the dream depressing. I searched for the dreams suicide statistics. The schools rebuttals gave me the impression that they were covered up. When problems go unsolved, the troubles manifest. Death dreams had waked me on several occasions. I believed that all information surrounding the dream would have to be known.

The shooter dream:

In the dream, I was walking up to the passenger side of an unknown vehicle.
There was a person sitting inside in the middle of the front seat. Then another unknown person appeared on the driver's side, saying, "I'm here to shoot you!"

The shooter then pulled the trigger, killing the person inside the vehicle. The shooter turned to his right to walk away, moving in back of the vehicle with the gun still in his hand.

Meanwhile my dream position had changed and I was again walking up to the
vehicle. This time I was facing the shooter who was now pointing his gun at me and ready to pull the trigger.

The dream scene froze, as I could hear myself think: "I wish I had a gun

Trial Page 2

The reality of the environment was that the prescription drug lord had always called God a Dog. The educators constantly used children as a pawn for increased taxes. At the time the dream appeared there was a lady named Angie Zettel. The Oakland Country Sheriff Department and the Oakland County Friend of the Court knew that Angie and her daughter Jordan had a drive-by shooting, the prime suspect was Angie's husband Larry. They decided to call the drive-by shooting unsolved.

Shortly after the dream, my blond-haired, blue-eyed boy Jimmy married Angie. Larry was known as a deadbeat dad (owing $10,000 in back child support). He was also known as a liar and a very dangerous person. Prior to the June 2001 incident, Larry's dad told Larry not to mess with Jimmy (which Larry started to do) because Jimmy had been in the Marines and Jimmy would probably beat him. Larry then told his dad that a bullet would solve that.

In June 2001, Larry took Angie to the Friend-of-the-Court to have his child payments lowered. While Angie, Jimmy and Larry were at the Friend of the
Court, Larry got into Jimmy's face and invited him outside to have it out!

Jimmy said that he let Larry have the first swing, and then he proceeded to
beat Larry. Jimmy's hands were swollen for days. So it was quite a shock when Larry claimed that Jimmy beat him with a bat, which was a Felony!

At the pre-trial under oath before God and the world, Larry Zettel swore that he did nothing to entice the consultation. The attorney's objective was to bring out areas of confusion and frustration. In Larry's case, the area appeared when he said Angie Zettel; then shook his head in frustration to correct the wrongly said words.

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The attorney had told Jimmy to simply take a lie detector test. The charge was a case of Larry's word against Jimmy's word. The strangest thing happened, Jimmy couldn't pass the date on the lie detector test. I had listened once to a healthcare advisor, who said that it was good to take a screaming child into an unnecessary surgery. Then by the time Jimmy was eight, he didn't know his birthday date. I thought that was interesting because a foreign dream interpreter stated that many dilemmas stem from childhood.

The gun dream concerned me when Angie’s x-husband, Larry, was at Henry Ford
Hospital in December 2001. Larry probably got a lying doctor (they do have an aura about them). Larry unhooked himself from the IV's and left the hospital for
better pain medication. Larry was a prescription drug addict and a non-prescription drug addict. I felt that when Larry showed up for the trial he would have a gun in his car. Larry's father was to testify about hearing Larry threaten Jimmy with a bullet. The Oakland County Sheriff's Department and the Oakland County Friend of the Court withheld the drive-by shooting and Larry's violent history, which could place many lives in harms way.

Kids always had said the funniest things. Once Jimmy knew that there was a warrant for his arrest, he turned himself in. The office looked at my 5' 11" baby and said, "If I had to go after you, I'd be shooting you."

Jimmy was arrested and shackled to another felon-doer who did comment his weapon assault. The stranger stated: "My guy was in the hospital for four days."

"Oh, that's interesting," Jimmy, replied, "My guy drove himself to the hospital. He was there for about two hours, and released."

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While my baby was chatting with several other prisoners, one mentioned a breakout. Jimmy's chain-mate didn't want to go. So Jimmy told him that when the breakout took place to jump on his back...because he was going with them. If he had to drag his chain-mate, it would slow him down.

After Jimmy's bond was set, he was released from Jail until his trial. The police let Jimmy out the back door, which was six blocks from his car. There were three shady characters lucking outside, which would be common for city life. One stranger approached, asking, "What-ch-a in jail for?"

Jimmy took a stance as he answered, "Beating the shit out of a guy...what's it to ya?"

The stranger replied, "Just curious," and continued to slither back to where he came from.

Finally Larry's daughter had to be told about the felony charge that her father was taking her stepfather to trial for. I was amazed at how upset the 10-year-old was.

I believe that the signs of a dangerous situation exist before they turn deadly. I truly think that Larry would have a gun in his car. It would be foolish for me to get in a shooter's way, shaking my hands, stomping my feet, and screaming: "Hey all you un-child conscious fuckers! Larry's got a gun!"

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