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Date Posted: 18:22:18 12/10/02 Tue
Author: Rita
Subject: Chapter 3

The Walk-Over Page 1 of 2
Chapter 3 Words: 490

I’d notice that dreams incorporate several subjects. Each subject should be carefully examined. The suicide statistics that the Michigan educational and medical societies were covering up bothered me.

The woman in the conference dream ended up with a dead child in reality, while I had a Jimmy-can't-spell dilemma. Jimmy's teacher was telling Jimmy that it was all right to learn only half the spelling words, and then telling us that it was NOT all right. Throughout my life, children were used as pawns by the educational system to increase taxes, most of which was for salary increases. How using a child as a schooling tax pawn influenced juvenile suicide was never mentioned!

Meanwhile, germs and parasites were also a big problem. When Jimmy was in second grade and his sister Stacy was in first grade, Jimmy said, "Mom, I've got bugs in my hair".

My first thought was head lice. I asked, "How could you tell"?

"I scratched my head, and a bug was under my fingernail".

I looked at Jimmy's head and saw another louse. I remembered when I was in the first grade. The school nurse checked regularly for head lice, it was a common problem. Mother had washed my hair with kerosene or gasoline; I couldn't remember which one. So I decided that I would drive to the local store to purchased head lice shampoo. I returned home to wash heads, bedding and the next day reported the head lice to the school.

Rebuttals Page 2

Shortly after, a second head lice problem was again present. By this time there was no over-the-counter-head-lice-shampoo at any local store. So, I went to the doctor's to have him write a prescription head lice shampoo, and again reported the problem to the school.

The head lice problem had affected both the first and second grade to an epidemic problem. Finally, the school decided to inform the parents. The school called me, stating that they had a head lice problem and they were sending the infested children home. They had sent a total of four children home from the first and second grade, two of which were mine.

I drove Jimmy and Stacy to the Oakland County Health Department for head lice shampoo and a note from the Health Department person so that both children could return to the Un-Child Conscious School.

By the time Jimmy was eight, he didn't know his birthday date. I wondered if that teacher's statement was another school rebuttal? Between the unnecessary surgery and what I felt was an unnecessary head lice epidemic, I told the school principal, "You wish to keep my son back then you can take me to court!"

Jimmy was placed in the third grade labeled dyslexic for a better specialize education. It was a constant No-Win situation. At the time, the most common pier phrase was "You're in special education because you're stupid."

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